Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 22.1852

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Ministerial Corn-Cutter (The), 136

Ministerial Diaries, 117

Ministerial Mess (A), 147

Miss Violet and Her " Offers," 145, 162,

166, &c, &c.
Model Address to Electors, (A), 79
Model Article on a Certain Person, 65
Modern My hology, 244
"Modification," >52
Monkey and the Tiger (The), 76
Monster Sweep (A), 207
Monument for the Man of Pills (A), 118
Moral Madness, 153
Morals of " The Mahogany," 97
Most Unpardonable, 238
Motives, 250

Motto for a Monthly Nurse, 73

Mr. Disraeli and the Jews, 45

Mr. Disraeli's Pictures, 205

Mr. Jeremiah Tops' Advice to the

Farmers. 173
Mr. Cockermouth to the Vicar of Frome,


Mrs. Baker's Pet, 24, 49, 75, 91

Mummery at Midnight, 165

Music for the Pope's Brass Band, 164

Musical Snuggery (A), 54

My Member, 237

My Uncle ! 9

Natural History for Aldermen, 52
Naval NalvettS, 61

New Chaunt for Rochester Choir (A), 165
New Convivial So> gster iA), 205
New Law of the French Press (The), 87
New " Fen " Trtaty with the Americans

(The), 1)6
New Song of the Heart, 111
New Year's Gifts to Louis Napoleon, 10
Newspaper Arithmetic, 16
Next •' Annexation " (The), 161
Night ChnrgeR. 80
No Conscript Fathers, 231
No One is Safe, 84
No Pop-ery at Oxford, 126
Not to be Wondered at, 122
Nuns Non-suches, 179
Nursery Rhymes, 59 242,
Ods on the Derby, 223
Ode to the Rev. R. Whi«ton, 156
Ode to our Marvellous Contemporary, 256
Old and New Billingsgate, 25
Oid and New Year (The), 1
Old House and the New The), 71
Old Saying Pulled to Pieces (An), 168
Omnivorous Corporation (The), 175
Only Compliments One Ought Ever to

Pay (The), 16
Opinions of a Crack Officer (The), 45
Our Above-Bridge Navy, 52
Our Adhesion to Mr. Bonaparte, 16
Our Admiral on Half-Pay, 65, 94
Our Campaigns with Wellington, 237
Our Club-man, 31
Our Coast Defences, 43

"Our Critic" among the Pictures, 216,

Our Imaginative Neighbours, 94
Our Insane Artist, 133
Our Maniac's Last, 156
Our Kacii'g Prophecy, 253
" Pail " of Civilisation (The), 4
Palmerston Feast (The), 11
Paragraph only to be Read by the Ladies
(A). 245

Parallels for Protectionists, 163
Parliamentary Diner Out (A), 101
' arliamentary Pass time, 180
Parson of Frome jthout the F (The), 188
Pastor with a Vengeance (A), 133
Patron of Betting Offices (The,, 243
Pay for your Breakages, 105
Penal Statues, 121

" Penny for your Thoughts " (A), 242
People and their Palace (The), 198
Perhaps so, 63

Petition as it ougtr to be) (A), 151
Pity the Poor Bailiffs 19
Pius Hard Up, 196

Poetical Co- kery Book (The), 34, 51, 53,

70, 81, 87, &c.
Poetry of Cookery (The), 4
Police Intelligence, 83
Political Capita1, 196
Political Chamelon (The), 234
Political Colours, 136
Political Crochet Book (The), 4
Political Elecro-Biology, 212
Political On Dits, 101
Poor Man's Double Knock (The), 195
Pope ot Rome v. the Queen ,The), 82
Popish Plot at Aylesbury (The , 105
Post Office Refoim, 61
Potato Poteen, 243

Premier's Great Grandmother (The), 63
Preparing for the Worst, I69
Prince " Halle," 16
Proclamation by Punch, 50
Protectionist Cuckoo (The), 148
(Protectionut) Sea-Serpeut (Thei, 115
Protectionist Toasts, 245
Protectionist Unity of Thouehf, 66
Pump-handle for a Joke (A), 25
Punch and His Correspondence, 14
Punch's Every Day Book, 1
Punch to fhe Big Wigs uf Eton, 254
Puseyite Biuke A), 266
Putney New Bridge, 22
Quack ! Quack I Quack ! 32
Quaitern Loaf and the Wellington Statue

( The). Ill
Queer Card (A), 131
Qui S'Excuso S'Accuse, 22
Quod, 31

Racy Thoughts, 254

Railway Meeting in Constantinople, 19

Rapid Act of Saintship, 148

Rapid Growth in England, 240

Rapid Passage, 79

Real Blessing to Mothers (A), 51
Real Food for the Mind, 165
Real London Pride !The), 252
Red Hot Halfpenny (The), 60
Reform Bill Spiced (The , 80
Regular Church Steeple-Chase (A), 54
Rejected Pantomime Tricks, 93
Representation of Westminster iThe), 2
Republic's Last Kick (The), 17*
Retrospect and Prospect, or 1851 and 1852,

Review (Marriage in High Life), 200
Rifle Clubs, 62

Rifle Shooting made Difficult. 61

Right and the Left (Tne), 21

Rime of the Ancent Ministere (The), 106

Rite of Hanging (The), 138

Roads in the Bush, 98

Roebuck and Coppock, 121

Roman Candles in Hampshire, si

Royal Correspondence (A), 195

Ruined Halls, 255

Rules for Hea to, 165

Rural Church Discipline, 96

Safe Prophecy (A), 188

Safety Uniforms, 103

hale at the Crystal Palace, 113

Sale • f Autogra hs, 126

Sanguinary Outrage on a Defenceless

Foreigner, 249
Scho 1 for Ministers (A), 98
Sentimental Candidate (A), 187
Se tlement for the Cup (The), 255
Seven Wonders of a Married Man 21
Seven Wonders of a Married Woman,

(The), 21

Seven Wonders of a Young Lady, 42
Shakspearian Readings, 82
Shall M irrison Have a Monument? 14]
Sham ful Case of Piracy (A), 112
Shamrock and the Crocodile (The), 131
Sharpshooters' Chorus (The), 43
Shocking Effect of Loaves a d Fishes, 147
Shoe-blacks in Parliament, 61
Shower of Benedictions (A), 219
Sibthorps of England (The), I27
Sic Itur ad Antra, 218
Smash for a Suburb iA), 84
Snob in the Insolvent Court, 108
Something like a Staff, 15
Something to be Thunktul for, 176
Song for Mr. Speaker A), 249
Song for the French Government, 52
Song of the Australian Shepherd, 255
Song of the Sold-out Guardsman, 64
Spirituous Liquors for Ladies, 253
Speak, Mr. Cobden, 69
Sporting Frophes (The , 233
S'amp of a Swindler (Thei, 52
State of Parties in the House of Com-
mons, 168
Stingo Cure (The), 156
Storm in Parliament (The), 74
Striking Remarks, 46

Stuff of the Protectionist Banner, 255

" Such a Gettin' Upstairs," 198

Suffolk-ation of Justice (The), 133

Suggestions for Song-Writers, 188

Supporters of the Pope (The), 15

Sweets from Ireland, 202

Tailor s Heraldry, 80

Take Care of Your Pockets, 22, 60

Taking the Shine Out of Everything, 217

Talk at the Tuileries, 108

Teetotal Orgies, 125

Tell it to the Marines, 117

Theory of the Sea-Serpent, 197

Thing Difficult to Imagine (A), 198

Threatened Invasion, 60

Throwing Your Money into the Gutter, 3

To a Rich Young Widow, ' Q

To Gentlemen in Difficulties, :?1

Trifle, 124

Turkey in America, 61

Two Answers wanted, 156

Tybu nian of the Old School (A), 175

Unreported Illuminations 222

Upon Them, Charge! But Don't Over-
charge, 134

Very- Best Joke of the Season (The), 20

Very Open Question (A), 192

Veteran Cutting his Teeth (A), 188

Voice from the Luggage Van (a), 104

Voice of the Protectionists (The), 176

Voices of the Night, 131

Vox Populi in P«ris, 96

Waggeries of Wagner, I62

Wagner on England, 192

Wagner War (The), 252

Warner Range (The), 56

Weather and the Hippodrome (The), '254

Welsh Echo (A), 83

" What Cheek!" 142

What Fools Some People Are ! 146

What I f£w, did, thought, and heard, at
Paris, 215

What the Debates will Come to, 71

What Will You Let Me Have this Bo-
rough for? 207

What Are They Ar'ter? 243

What to Eat, Drink, and Avoid, on
Epsom Downs, 222

What Wns Found Inside the American
Sea-Serpent, 122

What's the Use of an Alderman ? 9

What's to be Done with the Serpentine i

"When Found, Make a Note of," 45,177

*' Where is the Holy Land? " 188

Where is the Stage Going to r 70

Which was Which? 131

Why did Lord Palmerston Resign ? 16

Why don't the Men Propose ? 128

Wiltshire Carol (a,, 14

Wind that Blows Nobody Good (A), 1S6

Woman's Heart (a Contradiction), 32

Ye Delectable Ballad, 227

" You '11 Meet Me, Won't You » " 195



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio


Bildunterschrift: End of the volume Bildbeschriftung: Vol. XXII





Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Tenniel, John
um 1852
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1847 - 1857
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 22.1852, Index, S. 260