Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 23.1852

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Abd el-Kadbb a Frenchman, 238

Agricultural Abstinence, 202

Agroultural Sweaters, 62

Alarming Inundation, 267

Amarum Aliquid, 224

American Digestion, 124

And now, a word about Nelson, 244

Another French Miracle, 128

" Another New Planet," 270

Apology, 175

Aquatic Intelligence, 257

Arcb Amendment (An), 1/6

Archsological Association (The), 96

Archaeologist's Progress (The), 111

no uear is the Nose on your Face, 44

As unlike as Chalk and Cheese, 157

Ass in a Leopard's Skin (An), 71

Association of Ideas, 20

Atrocious Attack on a Badger, 163

"August Infant" (The), 112

Auld Lang Syne, 1X2

Auri Sacra Fames, 207

Australia In-felix, 83

Austrian Heaven (An), 202

B—f—d Correspondence (The), 107

Babe at a Bull Fight (A), 52

Bad Look-Out for Butchers (A), 68

Ball at Mr. Disraeli's Foot (The), 143

Balloon News, 143

Balloon Showing its Airs (A), 34

Banquet of Civic Snades (A), 214

Bar and its Prospects (The), 210

Beauty of Contrast (The), 128

Bells upon my Mind, 265

Benjamin with Two Sides (A), 216

Betty's Betting Book, 107

Bill-Stickers Beware, 202

Bishop in a Gig (A), 216

"Blue Pig" to Mr. Punch (The), 206

Bold Empiric (A), 183

Bottle Trick (The,, 187

Boulevard du Crime The) 167

Bradshaw's Metaphysics, 151

British and Foreign Quacks, 154

Cabman's Gratitude (A), 264

Candidate's Catechism iThe;, 40

Cardinal's English, 103

Cases for Compensation, 239

Catnach in the Drawing-Room 94

Chamberlain and the Clowns <Tne), 224

Chancery on the Go, 174

Charge, Landlords, Charge, 52

Charley 's my Darling, 145

Cheap as Scotch Dirt, 188

Chicory and Chicanery, 248

"Children Must be Paid for," 11

Children's Playful Rhymes, 142

Chinese Court Circular (The), 193

Cloak of Religion (The), 112

Cockersdale Chemistry, 188

Coldness of the Weather in Paris, 108

Comic Cahill (The), 246

Controversy for Christmas, 269

Corn Measure, 13

Country Going to the Dogs (The), 61
Countryman at Cambridge (A), 218
Court of In-justice (A), 148
Critical Moments, 224
Criticism with a Vengeance, 239
Cruel Case (A,, 163
Crusade against England, 127
Crystal Palace of the People (The), 195
urates in Old Clothes, 266

Carious Prophecy Fulfilled, 268

(Dancing) Master of France (The), 195

Dawn of Art in the City (The). 50

Defences of the City (The), 227

Deluge of Nonsense (A), 67

Demise of Doe and Roe (The), 49, 73

Derby and Dizzy at Astley's 210

Darby Election Ditty, 68

Derby Lullaby (The), 40

Derby Prophecy (A), 127

Derby Voter's Soliloquy, 66

Deserted Farmer, 239

Devastation from the Clouds, 113

" Devouring Element " (The), 122

Dialogue in the Reporter's Gallery, 41

Different Vehicles of Governmeut, 247

Diogenes Beresford, 227

Disagreeable Rattle (A), 128

Dismal Look-Out for Protection, 32

Disraeli's Right Hand, 203

Display of Scollardship (A), 21

Dispute with Britain (The), 102

Distressed Bailiff's Home (The), 75

Doing a Good for an Evil Turn, 240

Double Dealings, 64

Double-faced Ministry (The), 71

Doubtful Point (A), 51

Downing Street Deluge (The), 63

Dr. M'Hale in London, 163

Drink—then Criticise, 174

Dublin Review (The), 137

Duchess's Own Doctor (The), 131

Duel in Westminster Hall (A), 14

Duet for the Lawyer's Office, 45

Duke of York's Column The), 117

Duke's Last Honours (The), 229

Earthquake Explained (The), -237

Echo answers " When ! " 141

Economy in Royal Salutes, 96

Education Trade Report, 265

Election Anacreontic, 17

Elections more Free than Welcome, 36

Empire of Beadledom (The), 20i, 207, 217,

246, 255, &c, &c.
Employment nf Paupers at Elections, 29
End of Life (The), 96
End of the Whistonian Controversy, 188
' English Don't Know How to Amuse

Themselves" (The), 82
Epitaph for a Stockbroker, 123
Epitaph on a Locomotive, 153
Eve ot St. Guy The), 187
Every Man His Own Brute, 8
exchange. A Robbery, 263
Expensive Favours, 81
Extraordinary Circle Anj. 22
Extraordinary Nocturnal B illoon Ascent,


Extremely Pretty, 40
Faction in Shoe Lane, 245
Faded Prospects, 105
Fair Rosamond, 240

False Hebrew's False Jewels (The), 133

Family Anacreontics, 236

Fancy Dress Hunt (A), 234

Fare versus the Cabman (The), 22

Farmer and the Acrobats, 29

Farewell to Jullien (A), 260

Fat of the Land in Baker Street, 260

Father Thames' Epitaph, 128

Festivities at Osborne, 124

Fifty Thousand Cures, 116

Firel Fire! 106

Fireworks for the French Nation, 104
Flunkeyism in France, 167
F' gie Family Papers (The), 136
Fool ! Fool 1 Fool 1 56
Forensic Fix (A), 93
Freaks of Father Thames (The), 238
FreDch Jack Sneppard (The), 163
Fresh Symptoms of the New-mania, 193
Future Rulers of France (The), 192
Gentlemen's Seats to be Let, 32
Genteel Breach of the Peace, i65
Gin Palace, 11

Ginger Beer from the Fountain, 78
Glass of Friendship with France (A), 253
Gold Fever (The), 95
Gold in England, 111
Gold Mine of Advertisements (A), 88
Golden Dreams, 7
Golden Rage (The), 31
Great Asylum Balloon Ascent, 151
Great Baby Case (The), 122
Great Balloon Case (A), 145
Great Mistake (A), 53
Great Parliamentary Feat, 208
Great Tom (Fools! of Lincoln (The), 246
Great Waiter Question (The), 82
Greek against Greek, 181
Grievances of the Church, 244
Hafpt Expression (A), 184
Hard Work at the Font, 266
Height of German Romance (The), 253
Here are Your Fine Old Prejudices, 218
Hero of the Hustings (The), 33
Heroes in Blue, 113
Hint Worth any Money (A), 227
Hints to Servants when the Family is

Out of Town, )64
Hints to Young Yachtsmen, 45, 67, 91
Homage to Panizzi, 71
Homage to the Inflexible, 247
Hooded Snakes, 197
Horses and the Mal-de-Mer, 123
Housemaid's Jubilee (A), 191
How not to be Recogni ed by Your

Creditors, 44
How to Bruise Your Oatf, 148
How to Finish a Daughter, 161
How to Fix Tar, 56
How to Lie, 103
How to Make one Dizzy, 88
How we Buried Protec ion, 250
Human Kittens and Blind Puppies, 65
Human Orchestra (The), 158
Hustings and the House, 238
Hymen and Louis Napoleon, 141
Hymen t. Plutus, 213
Hymns for Children, 142
In a state of Speechless Astonishment, 4
In Vino Veritas, 134
Income-Tax Elucidated (The-, 266
Incorrigible River (The , 56
Insensibility to Famine, 44
Interpretations for the Million, 184
Ireland for the Irish, 168
Irish Craniology, 126
Irish Howl at a Hero's Wake (An), 147
Irish Revolution, 23
ifeNNEa-osiTY in a Young Lady, 77
Jesuit's Bark, 124
John Bull's New Troubles, 227
Joke All Hot (A), 81
Jolly Barristers (The,.. 123
Just as we Expected, i>)8 |

Just the Term for it, 10
Justice to Lucas, 226
Justice to Shee, 209
Kind Word with Jonathan (A), 83
King Cholera to his Liege Friends i 1

England, 138
Kitchen Capers, 92
La Salette at Home, 201
I Lament about Astley's A), I72
Lament on the Deaths of John Doe and

Richard Roe, 53
Lap of Luxury (The), 152
Large Returns and Small Profits, 34
Last g'impse of the Mons (The), 203
Last Kicks of Puffery (The), 88
Last Love of France (The), 154
Law Militant (The , 66
Lay of the Rabble (The), 65
Leading Men in the City (The), 182
Legal Lament (A), 209
Legal Season (The), 234
Letters from the Dead to the Living, 177,

223, 233, &C.
Letting the Cat Out, 183
Liberal " Rope of Sand " (The), 171
Lines Composed on the Bridge of the

Serpentine, 152
Lines on Amalgamation, 101
Lines on the Demise of Doe, 176
Literary Flea Bite (A), 162
Long Pull and a Strong Pull (A), 52
Looking to the Main Cha> <ce, 74
Loomer 1 a Sybil ! I and a Seer !! ! 148
Lord Frankfort in Prison Gray, 259
Magpie of the Exchequer (The), 230
Maidstone, the " Unknown," 40
Maidstone t>. Macaulay, 216
Maidstone's Flood (of Eloquencej, 41
Man who ought not to Emigrate (Tfce),

Manchester Crusade (The), 13 6
Marseilles Plot (The), 173
Master who knows his Workmen (A', 87
Matrimonial Biology, 43
Maxims for the Bettmg-Book, 143
Mayor's Daily Bread (A), 166
Meteorological Intelligence, 62
Ministerial After - White - Bait - Dinner
Jokes, 23

Miss Violet and Her Offers, 2, 12, 24, 50,

56, 76, 98, &c
Misusing the Queen's English, 17*
Moighty Misthake (A), 155
Monody on Protection, 62
Monsieur Communique, 81
Mooreish Lullaby (A), 264
Moore's Utopia, 112
Moral Philosophy for the Boudoir, 137
Morals of the Diggings, 226
More Curiosities of Advertising Litera-
ture, 84

Mosses from an Old Cathedral, 64
Mr. G. F. Young's Wonderful Goose, 1
Mr. Punch's Yule Log, 268
Mrs. Gamp and the Government, 2S4
Mrs. Gamp called in, 259
Much of a Muchness, 87
Muddy Matinee (A), 3
Mudlark of Philanthropy, 66
My Heart's at Newmarket, 166
My Voice is for Peace, 17s
Mysterious Disturbances in Downing
Street, 145

Vol. 23.




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Tenniel, John
um 1852
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1847 - 1857
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 23.1852, Index, S. 273