/AN Christmas Eve, Mr. Punch, on the strength—or, rather, length—of a Message from President Pierce,
^ visited .her Majesty Queen Mab. He was received by a most courteous Dream-in-Waiting, who introduced
him through the Gate of Horn, whence, as Colonel Sibthorp beautifully remarks,
“ Yens facilis datur exitus Umbris.”
Dream-World was merrily keeping its Yule-tide, with shadowy Sports and dissolving Pastimes. As Mr. Punch
entered, the Game was
The Lady Britannia was enthroned, Mistress of the Revel, and her golden apron was heaped with
Pledges. The owners, a miscellaneous group, awaited the sentence of penalties.
Down, at a smile-signal from the Lady in the Chair, down went the broad brow of Mr. Punch, to repose
on her knee, while Kings, and Ministers, and Hierarchs, and Demagogues came rustling round to listen.
The magic formula was silverlv uttered. a IBtre IS a anti a TTrrp ;|{3rcttp tZTfjtnci, anti
M)aU he Ulone bp tfjc ©fonrr of tips TTcoi ^redn £Tf)tng?”
“Answer, dear Mr. Punch/’ said the Lady in the Chair. “You always say exactly what I wish said.”
“The Owner,” said Mr. Punch, “will retire.” And the Earl of Aberdeen, who had forfeited Public
Confidence, withdrew, and Britannia murmured her intense satisfaction with the proceeding.
The next forfeit was called. “ The Owner,” said the oracle, “ will go down upon his knees, will, in all
ubjectness of humiliation, beg pardon of all the world, and will humbly deposit his purse at the foot of the
; Ottoman nearest to him.” A heavy tread, and the Emperor of all the Russias sullenly stalked away,
ji sooner than thus redeem his Honour.
The third forfeit. “ The Owner will find a Lady, whose well-omened Christian name is Victoria,
and to her lie will recite some verses, of his own making, in praise of Chobham and Spithead.” “ I am
^ visited .her Majesty Queen Mab. He was received by a most courteous Dream-in-Waiting, who introduced
him through the Gate of Horn, whence, as Colonel Sibthorp beautifully remarks,
“ Yens facilis datur exitus Umbris.”
Dream-World was merrily keeping its Yule-tide, with shadowy Sports and dissolving Pastimes. As Mr. Punch
entered, the Game was
The Lady Britannia was enthroned, Mistress of the Revel, and her golden apron was heaped with
Pledges. The owners, a miscellaneous group, awaited the sentence of penalties.
Down, at a smile-signal from the Lady in the Chair, down went the broad brow of Mr. Punch, to repose
on her knee, while Kings, and Ministers, and Hierarchs, and Demagogues came rustling round to listen.
The magic formula was silverlv uttered. a IBtre IS a anti a TTrrp ;|{3rcttp tZTfjtnci, anti
M)aU he Ulone bp tfjc ©fonrr of tips TTcoi ^redn £Tf)tng?”
“Answer, dear Mr. Punch/’ said the Lady in the Chair. “You always say exactly what I wish said.”
“The Owner,” said Mr. Punch, “will retire.” And the Earl of Aberdeen, who had forfeited Public
Confidence, withdrew, and Britannia murmured her intense satisfaction with the proceeding.
The next forfeit was called. “ The Owner,” said the oracle, “ will go down upon his knees, will, in all
ubjectness of humiliation, beg pardon of all the world, and will humbly deposit his purse at the foot of the
; Ottoman nearest to him.” A heavy tread, and the Emperor of all the Russias sullenly stalked away,
ji sooner than thus redeem his Honour.
The third forfeit. “ The Owner will find a Lady, whose well-omened Christian name is Victoria,
and to her lie will recite some verses, of his own making, in praise of Chobham and Spithead.” “ I am
Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel
Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio
um 1853
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1848 - 1858
Entstehungsort (GND)
Sammlung Eingang
Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)