Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 45.1863

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Adieu to Mr. Beecher, 185

Advantages of ’Bus Racing (The), 124

Advertising Problems, 127

Advice to an Author, 98

iEolus in the Orchestra, 213

Alderley Edge taken off, 255

Alleged Black Mail at Newiugton, 186

“ All in the Downs,” 54

All of a Piece, 183

All One, 145

Amenities from Midhurst, 255
American Conscript’s Complaint (The), 128
Amusement at Winchester, 63
Anglo-Saxon Wine, 107
Another King Wanted, 165
Anti-Punch League, 155
Appeal from tne Lion at Northumber-
land House (An), 104
Appeal to the Pistol (The), 13
Arbitrary Flunkeyism at Woolwich, 84
Archery, 81
Architectural, 42
Art, 59

Awful Situation, 84

Battle of the Toll-Bars (The),' 49

Beecher and Grease, 242

Beecher for Ever I 237

Beat Fruit for Preserving Love (The), 153

Best of Albert Monuments (The.), 43

rseware the Bull! 114

Bill of Health (A), 94

Black Bands and Bones, 85

Black Business (A), 74

Blank Prospects, 65

Blockheads at Baden-Baden, 121

Bockum Dolifs Bonneted, 241

Bogie and the Bottle, 92

boom from Big Ben (A), 236

Bravery in Broadway, 251

Brawling Brawlie, 28

Bread and Toast, 196

Bridle for Hotspur (A), 167

Bright Remarks on Recognition, 19

Britannia Hoists her Storm-Drum, 158

Britisher to Beecher, 1S4

Brompton Blowflies, (The), 66

Brutus and Caesar, 71

Bulls won’t Come (The), 538

Business of the Assizes, _114

“ By Authority," z4i

Cant and Carney, 18

Card (A), 56

Case of Real Charity (A), 64
Case of Sim-money (A), 251
Cautions to Public Trespassers, 51
“ Cave Canem,” 91

Charming Sentence on Scoundrels (A), 84
Change lor the Better, 91
Charities and Chatterers, 7
Cheap Material lor Public Buildings, 244
Chess, 74

Chinese Obedience, 237

Chivalrous King (A), 224

Chorus of Jack Tars, 211

Christmas Day in the Workhouse, 257

Cigarettes, 175

Clever Criticism, 247

Cohn Campbell, Lord Clyde, 88

Colleges of Colour, 254

Companies in their Cups (The), 69

Compensation for Nobody, 6U

Complaint by a Policeman, 253

Composing a Strife, 128

Conditions ol Peace with America, 145

Congress and Concord, 253
Congress Correspondence (The), 225
Conundrum, 186
Conventional Duet (A), 29
Corporation. Reform, 195
Cosmetic Architecture at South Kensing-
ton, 7

Costermongers and Organ-Grinders, 193
Court Circular during the Regency of
Mr. Punch, 91
Crack goes the Rifle, 34
Craniological Puzzle (A), 153
Crawling Court-Martial (A), 226
Crinoline and Cosmetics, 135
Crinoline for Gentlemen, 81
Cruise of a Pirate, (The), 257
Cutter-out of the Clergy (A), 98
Dance of Death in Reality (The), 42
Dangerous Publication (A), 144
Danish Difficulty explained (The), 223
Dear Creatures! 214
Dear Young Lady (A), 95
Defective Police (The), 251
Delusive Meteors, 83
Dictionary of Ladies' Dress, 133
Deplorable Accident, 121
Doctor’s Advice (The), 208
Doing Jerusalem, 66
Doom of Tooting Common (The), 243
Doubtful Recommendation (A), 91
Drawing-room and the Dinner,Table, 9
Eagle’s Invitation (An), 213
Earl of Leitrim’s Revenge (The), 166
Early Rising in a Police Court, 123 .
Earthquake (The), 157
Ecclesiastic and Histrionic, 131
Ecclesiastical Intelligence, 211
Edinburgh Medical Science, 173
Election Intelligence, 65
Elegy on the Porpoise, 177
England’s Neutrality, 97
Epigram on Society and Individuals, 183
Equality before the Tax-gatherer, 257
Ermine Emancipated, 258
Extreme of Cossack Barbarism (The), 186
Europa and the Bull, 248
Fact in Zoology (A), 177
Farewell to Farming, 196
Farmer Bright and Luke the Labourer, 257
Farmer Punch’s Harvest Home, 108
Fashion, 63

Fashionable Announcements, 92

Fashionable Departures, 78

Fashion and its Victims, 17

Fashionable Suicide, 122

Fata Morgana (The), 55

Faust, a Domic Song, 83

Faust and the Organ-Fiends, 53

Fearful Tragedy, 93

Federal Garotting, 67

Federal Proclivities, 196

Fie 1 for Shame ; 124

Fillip from Faust (A), 37

Fine Words for Foul Works, 223

First Metric Lesson, 23

Fisherman and the Genius (The), 220

Flagging interest, 216

Flowers from Le Follet, 203

Fould, Fould, Fould, 236

Foul Word for the Fair Sex (An), 203

Fragment Found at Wimbledon, 39

Fruncis-Joseph at Frankfort, 87

Feenian Faugh-a-Ballagh (The), 183

Freedom of French Opinion, 128

Fetters and the Fleece (The), 246
French Revolution in Dress, 198
French Lady on Female Dress (A), 131
French Lake (The), 236
Friendly Conundrum, 85
Frugality in Fashion, 238
Further from the Spirit of,Shakspeare, 233
Future of the-Finians (The), 225
Gallus Vester Ego, 8
Game Murder made Easy, 223
Game of Foot-ball, 244
Game of Novice in Margaret Street, 231
Gentle Anser, Jew (A), 244
German Declaration of War, 156
Ghosts without Spirit, 146
Gleaning Time in Suffolk, 103
Good Word for the Pope (A), 161
Good Words in their Way at Manchester,

Good Work in the City (A), 238
Good News for the Country, 202
Gorilla at Ramsgate (A), 94
Gortschakoff to Great Britain, 43
Goths and Vandals Railway (The), 146
Greek Fire on Charleston, 124
Guest at the Guards’ Ball (The), 2
Hadji Here and Hadji There, 211
Handful of Hawthorn (A), 161
Happy Exodus (A), 194
“ Happy Land 1 ” 135
Hawbuck on the Harvest, 81
Health of the Metropolis, 95, 112
Help for the Hopeless, lu
Help to Hymen (A), 131
“ Here be Truihs,” 254
Hint for the Cambridge Editors, 166
Hint to Householders, S4
Hint to the Hospitable (A), 232
Hoax about Hudson (The), ll 5
Holding a Candle to the *”***, 18S
Home of the Fairies (The), 52
Homoeopathic Soup, 218
Hoop-la, 244
Horrid Vulpicide, 163
Horticultural, 71

How, When, and Where? or the Tourist’s
Guide to the Continent, 61, 65, 77, Ac.
Husband on Tips (A), 163
Hush ! Was that Thunder? 173
Iced Apartments Wanted, 66
“ Ifs” and “Ands,” 8
Ill-mated Flags, 173

Image-Winking and Image-Worship, 145
Impending Sacrilege, 204
Imperial Furniture, 10
Imperial Mnemonics, 196
important Military Intelligence, 117
Impossible Pancake (An), 102
Inchoate Irish Quaker (An), 28
Indecorum of Drinking (The), 144
Independence Day in England, 29
Intemperate Yankee Winter (An), 207
Irremovable Rich (The), 153
Irreverence in Italy, 177
Is Montalembert a Heretic? 105
Jack Russell’s Apology to John Bull,205
Job at the Foreign Office, 95
John Singleton Copley, Lord Lyndhurst,

Jokes for “ Laughing Jackasses,” 39
Jolly Sisters of Eschenbach (The), 122
Judicious v. Judicial Separations, 207
Just Compliment (A), 234
Justifiable Indignation, 164

Kaffir’s Commentaries (A), 75
Kind and Canny, 112
Lady with Three Legs, (A), 52
Last Few Days of St. Paul’s, 62
Latest from Prussia, 42
Latest from the Spirit World, 111
Latest Scientific Balloon Ascent (The), 164
Letterfrom Miss Frances LyttleHumbug,

Letter from the Bishop of Rochester, 222
Letting go the Reins, 52
Liberty of Priestcraft (The), 112
Limited Liability, 246
Lincoln and Shakspeare, 221
Literary Announcement, 156
Literary Flat-Fishing, 148
Live and Let Die, 51
Lord Derby at the Mansion House, 28
Lord Dundreary, Mr. Tupper, and “ Ci-
thara,” 235

Lord Robert Montagu’s Luck, 147
Magistrates and Mushrooms, 97
Maine Law above a Monarch (The), 30
Man from Shropshire (The), 32
Marriage and its Consequences, 255
Matrimony made Easy, 137
Matter of Profession as well as Practice
(A), 143

Maxima Reverentia’.Puero, 248
Mersey Rams (The) 185
Message from the Spirit of Shakspeare
(A), 197

Metallic News, 178
Metrical System, 38
Mexico and Monroe, 85
Middle-aged Wile Wanted (A), 82
Milky Way to Write (A), 194
Missionary Meddlers at Cioydon, 103
Mistakes by Men of Letters, 82
More Men of Business, 67
Mother on Smoke (A), 231
Mozart Outdone, 231
Mr. Bull to his American Bullies, 138
Mr. Kean in Orders, 62
Mr. Phelps as Manfred, 166
Mr. Punch’s Earthquake Prophecy, 157
Mr. Shycock’s Reflections over an Hotel
Bill, 147

Mrs. Alexander Brownrigg’s Reply to
Mrs. Bull, 163

Mrs. Caddy on the Coalscuttle, 111
Mrs. Nightingale on the Philosophy of
the Unutterable, 95
Musical Intelligence, 234
Music-Mad King (A), 214
Mysteries of Medicine, 135
Nagqletons at Hove (The), 201
Naggletons on Politics (The), 216
Nail into a Board (A), 156
Nelson Column (The), 131
New Name for a Maid Servant (A), 92
New Norman Conquest (A), 165
New Order of Valour Wanted (A), 247
New Rendering of an old Quotation, 66
News from Vine Street, 82
New Watering-Place Wanted (A), 112
Noble Hotel-Keepers’ Association, 44
Noisy News-Cners, 42
N otes and Queries, 75
Notes on the German Diet, 218
N otes taken at the Worcester Meeting of
t.he Royal Agricultural Society, 54
Not Right to a T, 55
Not the First Time, 205

Vol. 45.




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1863
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1858 - 1868
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 45.1863, Index, S. 261