Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 80.1881

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[July 2, 1881.

Reasons against the Proposed Monument,


Recent Marvels of Science,"82
Remittance (A). 298
Beplies to the Bey, 215
Resolutions for 1881, 3
Retaliation, 298
Rhymes for a Reason, 155
Rise in Turks (A), 297
Bites and "Wrongs, 134
Robert after the Derby, 286
Romance and Reality, 45
Romance of War (The), 58
Roo-" Too-too "-ing it, 265
Rough's Railway Guide (The), 178
Round about Town, 60, 301
Royal Marriage at Berlin (The), 97
Royal Practical Joke, 120
Ruat Justitia ! 288

Rules and Regulations at Henley, 30G
Rum Story (A), 94
Ruse a la Russe (A), 73
Sanitary Millennium (A), 70
Sarah's Keturn, 250
Scandalum Magnatum, 192
School-Board Papers, 12, 14, 33, &c.
Scotland for Ever ! 202
Seasonable Weather, 48
Secret Correspondence, 105
Senatorial Diary (A), 269
Shakspeare Amended, 196
Shakspeare on the " Free List," 226
Shocking Occurrence (A), 61
Similia Similibus Curantur, 249
Site—to be Taken (A), 262
Six to One, 178
Soldiers and Shots, 196
Something for the Money, 158
Something in a Title, 287
Something like a Punishment, 162
Song for Singers (A.), 299
Song of Pahtaquahcng (The), 109
Song of the Sensitive One, 214
Sones of the Sciences, 47, 62, 237, &e.
Sparklers, 185

Spurius Shakepearius at Drury O'Lanus,


Square and Unfair, 166
Squib Mottoes for Twelfth-Night Crack-
ers, 11

Stage in Mourning (The), 238

Stanzas to Spring, lf'O

Strangling the Monster, 54

Strictly Confidential, 78

Successful "Boycotting" at the St.

James's, 25
Suggestions for a Model Railway, 233
Sultan's Diary (The), 98
Sum Good from it. 262
Sunday " Pops," 106
Sunderland or Blunderland ? 61
Take Care of your Commons, ?6
Taking Him Easv, 209
Talk for the Tunnel, 57
Tapping the Wires—April 1st, 150
Telegraph Monopoly (The), i 8
Telephone (The), 179-
Temperance and Truth, 1
Tennis Testimonial, 261
That Acrostic, 190
Theatre Royal, St. Stephen's, 53
Theatres (The), 45, 53
Theatrical News, 114
Theory and Practice, 268
Theory Illustrated (A), 209
There and Back, 168
There is much Virtue in Ifs, 178
Thomas Carlyle, 61
Thrae R's in East Suffolk (The), 204
To Lydia's Glass Eye, 193
To the Northern Terror—an Appeal, 183
Transvaalidity, 47
Traps to Catch Cockneys, 287
Trial by Jury (A), 118
Trill to a Nightingale (A), 261
Trying Wait (A), 58
Turn Out at Tirnova (A), 239
Twopence-Halfpenny Reward, 84
Two Stars ; or. Booth Together, 225
Ubiquity of Alcohol (The), 14 6
Uncharitable Opposition, 228
"(UnJ-Fortunate Isle " (The), 4
Un-herring Instinct, 138
Unsentimental Journey (An), 249
Utile Tristi, 237
Valentines, 65
Verses for Vegetarians, 251
Very Civil War, 72
Very Likely, 293
" Viande de Cheval," 112
Voice of the Turtle (The), 74
Voting Market (The), 121
Warning to the Wags (A), 263
Waterloo Wags again (The), 245
Way we Talk now (The), 228
Weather (The), 1!0
WThat Does it Mean ? 190, 281
What is a "Run"? 118
What Really was Said, 89

What's in a Name ? 202
Whistler's Weoice, 69
WThist!ing for Cabs, 3 8
Who will Have It? 125
Wrth the Wynnstay, 118

"Worm at one End and a-" (A), 273

Worms have Turned (The), 298

Wreck of the " Indian Chief " (The), 26

WroDg Tip (The), 250

Ye Infantry of England, 210

Ye Three Sham Dayes of Olde, 278

" Your Money or your Life ! " 108


Block on the Road (The), 253, 2f 9
" Boycotted," 43
" By Your Leave 1 " 139
Difficult Part (A), 127
End of Act I., 175
German lago (A), 247
Giants and the Pigmy (The), 31
Going Up ! !—to the Lords, 307
Intercepted, 162
Irish Devil-Fish (The), 283
"Irrepressible Nigger ! " (The), 79
Latest "Trick " (The), 271
Long and the Short of it (The), &1
"Measurable Distance," 151
On His Way, 18, 19
Paris and the Pippin, 223
"Peace with Honour," If 9
Pig that won't " Pay tho Rint ' (.The),

School of Musketry (The), 211

Stable Companions ; or, tho Two Bills,

102, 103
Strangling the Monster, 55
Twelfth-Night at St. Stephens, 6, 7
Two " Suzerains," 187
" Urgency 1 " 67
"Vive la Gloirel" 235
'' What will He Grow to ?" 295


iKsTHETE and his Furniture (An), 281
iEsthetic Matrimonial Prospects, 78
^Esthetic May-Day Festivities, 201
iEsthetic Theatrical Poster (An), 215
Angela's Ideas on Selfishness, 246
Antonius Trolloptus, 58
Artist and his Friends (An), 170
Bizzy Bookmaker and Gambettor-Man,

*' Black" Art, 148

Blank Fishing Djy (A). 293

Bobby's Choice of a Profession, 108

Bob's Valsing, 277

Boer and his Receipt (The), 149

Bradlaugh Jack-in-the-Box, £04

Brassey, M.P., 286

Bright Prospects for a Growing Dunce, 21

'Bus-Driver's Opinion on "Coaching,"263
Cabby and the Adjutant's Horse, 251
Cab-Hiring after Snow-Storm, 69
"Campbells are Going" (The), 194
Captain Gossett, 94
Captain Shaw—the Fire-King, 34
Catching the Fish-Torpedo, 297
Centaur Iroqtrois (The), 274.
Charge of Brighton Landladies, 169
Cherry Un-ripe, 9

Choosing a School by its Dukes, 290
Churchill's Freiheit Charge, 171
Collapse of the iEsthetes, 229
Colonel Henderson, 82
Colonel on Candnhar Question, 167
Condition of Jones's Picture, 72
Coster and Swell Coachman, 83
Count of Monty Guesto, M.P., 250
Cremation and Family Jars. 132
Dairyman and Frozen Pump, 38
DiDgers of the Metropolis, 201
Derby Course (The), 253
Destroying the Obstruction Nest, 63
Dog's Parliamentary Petition (The*, 39
Dramatist and Critie, 85
Dr. Lyon Play fair, 70
Duke of Bedford, K.G., 213
Duke going to Gallery Seats, 203
Duke's Daughter3 Choosing Prufesnous,

Dustman takes his Wife to see Art, 214

Earl of Dufferin (The), 238

Elephant and the Tree (The), 219

Empress of Austria (Tire), 118

'Er Royal Highness's 'Oss, 261

Escaping from an Old Bore, 278

Escaping the Census Paper, 174

Fair Little Stranger and Bashful Artist, 84

Fishmonger-Boy's Arithmetic (A), 204

Forster and the Three Blind Mice, 27

French Language Paltry (The), 86

"Frightful State of Things" (A), 231

Gentlemen's Bibs and Sleeve-Guards, 287

Gladstone's Life-Belt. 243

Gog and Magog at Billingsgate. 279

GoiDg in for Women's " Lefts," 33

Grandmamma's Lap, 252

G'-eat Painter meets his Early Love, 218

Griffin and the Obstructives (The), 51

Hare and Hounds, 98

H. Labouchere, M.P., 154

Hon. Evelyn Ashley, M. P., 166

How to be Seen at a Private View, 207

Hirnters wanting a Bridge, 129

Hunting Rector's Immersion (A), 1^5

Inebriated Citizen and the Cabby, 71

" Irish Blagyard " for the Commons, 73

Irish Tenant Cheating the League, 299

Jack's Contempt for the Corner, 12

Jack's Luck, Jim's Surprise, 114

Janet's Geography, 254

Janet's Preseuce of Mind, 193

Jeames and the Morning Post, 137

Jews and Trichinosis, 120

John Thomas and Surgical Instruments,


Lecture on " Optics," 230
" Lefevre," 46
Lord Carlingford, 190
Madame France and Mr. Bull's Ticket, 255
Alajor cannot Dance without Spurs (The),

Mamma and her Daughter's Photographs,

Maria's Attack of iEstheties, 177
Marquis of Waterford (The), 265
Master Tom objects to Old Masters, 49
Mature Siren and Skating Gentlemen, f4
Maudle's Opinion of Mrs. Brown's Son, 62
Meaning of " Go to " (The), 109
Meddlevex Magistrate (Tne), 178
Milkman on Education (A), 23
Miss M. E. Braddon, 106
Miss Midas and the Captain, 182
Missed by his Tenants, 168
Miss Sopely and Distinguished Amateur,

Miss Sopely Studying Jones's Palm, 37

Mr. B.'s Definition of a Nocturne, 26

Mr. Edmund Yates, 202

Mrs. rie Tomkyns and Lady Midas's Por-
trait, 30

Mr. Sims Reeves, 226

Mrs. Johnnie Gilpin in Rotten Row, 221

Mrs. P. de T. traps an August Foreigner,

Musical Duchess (The), 234
Music with Wrong Notes, 150
New Curate, who must not play Lawn-
Tennis, 239
Nor'-East and Sou'-West, 183
Northcote Caricaturing Gladstone, 15
Nursing and Reading, 131
Old Jinks and the Foot-Warmer, 61
Old Lady and Stuffed Parrot, 146
Old Masters " Quite Too Too ! " 138
Opinions on Jewish Persecution, 48
Oscar WTiIde, 298

Our Little Games, 29, 125, 233, &c.
Our " Rosebery Plate," 2ti2
Papa's New Hat at the Panorama, 275
Pat declines to become a Landlord, 227
Perpetual Motion Coercion Toy (The), 87
Polar Bears and English Skaters, 50
Politeness in a High Wind, 161
Portrait-Painter, Aunt, and Niece, 42
Postlethwaite's Objection to Bathing, 14
Professor Dubois and Sir Pompey Bedell,

Professor Huxley, 130
Professor's Opinion about Bed (A). 270
Question about Midgets' Souls, 153
Raised Seats in Bail-Rooms, 306
Rare Birds, 113

Reason for Living under James II. (A), 3
Return to Crinoline (The), 303
Royal Academy Banquet, 206
Scene at Johnny A' Things' Shop, 245
Scene in the Snow, 47
School-Captain v. A Poet (A), 96
School-girls' Late Dinner (The), 110
Secret of Good Looks (A), 186
Senior and Junior Uniteds, 180
Sirens and their Little Ways, 210
Sir E. W. Watkin, M.P., 310
Sir Gorpius Midas's Library, 228
Sir Pompey Bedell at Grigaby's, 122
Sleepers in ths Parks, ,-05
Smith's Foreign Hotel Inspection, 222
Spinks's Soliloquy before the Glass, 156
Statue of Pallas (The;, 24
Story with a Moral (A), 134
Stout Old Gent in Omnibus, 195
Street-Boy salutes Handcuffed Burglar,

Stud Groom in Artist's Studio, 191
Sweep and Butcher's Badinage, 89
Swinburne-Jones Cutting (A), 22
Tax Surveyor and Literary Gent, 155
Tea and Muffins at Mansion Houge, 143
Three Peers out on a Wet Sunday, 99
Timkius gives the Empress a Lead, 117
Toby introduced to Parliament, 2
Todeson sent for the Duchess's Carriage,

Tommy and the Cook, 302
Tommy and Uncle Dick, 192
Vaccination in the Derby Week, 273
Visitor not a Stranger (A), 119
What an Elderly Coquette wished to
hear, 74

" When's the Time to say ' Yoicks,' " 141
Which to be—Heir or Trustee, 95
Who could attend to the Donkey, 179
Why the Bullet missed Pat'« ID-art, 35
Woman of the Nineteenth Century (A),

Women of Fashion and iEsthetic Ladies,

Woolwich Cadet on " going back " (A), 36
Young Ladies discussing Ascot, 282

ic»et>on ; bradbury, agnew, & co., printers, whiteeriars.
Image description



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1881
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1876 - 1886
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Junge Frau <Motiv>
Stickerei <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 80.1881, Index, S. 312