Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch: Punch — 82.1882

DOI issue:
April 29, 1882
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April 29, 1882.]




Editor. “Yottr Card, Mr. Perks, says ‘ Priyate and Confidential.’ What is it?”

'Arry (who is “ takin’ to Journalism"). “ Oh, I thought as you might want a ’andy Young Man, as was in with the Nobs,
to do the Fash’nable Gossip and Chit-ghat in your Society Paper ; so I-” [Bell—Door—Exitt

genainely clever comie business is always popular, and. laughter at
the Alhambra is to be raised by appeal to the eye rather than to

the ear. Fresh-
ened up f rom time
to time in this
manner, with M.
Jacobi at the
helm, and Mr.
W. Holland at
the “Look-Out,”
Jjahil and Bijou
might remain in
the bills, drawing
crowds for years,
and paying the
Alhambra Co.
Limited an un-
limited per-cent-
age on their in-
vestment. N-B.—
We are not share-

Last Friday
night, during the
performance of
the Parvenu at
the Court Theatre a loud explosion was heard. The Prince of Wales,
with great presence of mind, stood up in his box, and calmed the
audience by informing them that what they had heard was only the
effect of the piece going off uncommonly well. This is the report of
the explosion that reached our office.

“ Spring ! Spring ! Beautiful! Spring

©ijarles IftoHrt SBarUun.

Born, February 12, 1809. Died, April 19, 1882.

A studious porer over Nature’s plan,

Calm tracker of her steps, keen, watchful, wise
Recorder of the long Descent of Man,

And a most living witness of his rise:

Long o’er his life-work may the fight be fought,
Yet leave him still a leading light of Thought.

“ What ’s in a Name?”—A fraud in eonnection with the
honoured name of Shakspeare ! Heaven forbid! Can it be a
descendant of the Hivine William, whose name so unfortunately
appears in the case? “ A little more than ‘ next of kin’ (frauds)
and less than kind ” to some victims.

The Divided Skirt.

“I ’ll wear,” She said, “ and surely it won’t hurt,
My Lady Harberton’s ‘ divided skirt; ’ ”

But He the silly fashion much derided,

And so the house was like the skirt, divided.

“ THEbest thing for Luncheon,” says Mrs. Ramsbotham, “isa
polonaise of lobster and a couple of glasses of Hide and Seek cham-

The most Brilliant Entertainment of the Season.—The
Electric Light Exhibition at the Crystal Palaee, which ought pro
tem. to be called the Edison Light House.

Music.—Miss Sophie Menter has commeneed: we Menter hear
her last Monday,
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