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Punch: Punch — 96.1889

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Addenda Paper or the L. C. C., 49

Aldermanic Diary (A), SI

All-a-Blowing 1 235

All in Play, 88, 113

All Bound my Hat, 17

Anglers to the Front 1 4

Another Staggerer for Robert, 52

Answers to Correspondents, 36, 39, 51, &c.

A-Ranting we will Go, 193

“Arcades Ambo—Blackguards both,” 134

Aries and Taurus, 202

“ Arming the Kinght,” 28C

’Arry in Parry, 320

’Arry on Chivalry, 177

'Arry on the Ice, 85

Art and Letters, 169, 183

Attention ! 17

At the Academy Banquet, 217

At the Lyceum, 39

Back Again, 145

Ballad of Betrothal (A), 57

Ballad of Salad (A), 267

Ballads of To-day, 84, 101

Beasts, the Birds, and the Bat, 171

Belgravia v. Bohemia, 119

Bethnal Green Grievance (A), 215

Betters bad Gamblers, 70

Between the Cup and the Lip, 256

Bewildered Butler (The), 150

Big Guns and Little Ones, 85

Bizzy-Bodies of Berlin (The), 23

Blissful Ignorance, 307

Bloom of London (County) Pride (The), 49

Blow it, Boreas, blow it ! 114

Bo-peep in the Peers, 112

Bravo, Potter ! 261

Bricks and Mortarfieation, 244

British Volunteers (The), 70

Brother Jonathan’s Brotherhood, 54

Burglary Talk, 46

Burgle Song (The), 37

“ Bus ”-ing on the Cheap, 107

Butt and Butter, 66

Castle in Spain at West Kensington (A),

Chaunt of the Chancellor (The), 201
Check to the King, 75
Chess So ! 93

Children’s Fancy Dress Ball at the Man-
shun House (The), 221
Christmas on View in 1988, 9
Coming County Councillors, 248
Concerning a recent Engineering Feat, 183
Consolation, 202

County-Councildom, 161, 172, 232, &c.
County-Council Dream (A), 58
(County Council) Paradise and the (Libe-
ral) Peri (The), 265
Crop v. Crop, 136
Day-dream, or Nightmare? 185
Diary of a Nobody (The), 24, 41, 60, &C.
Difficulty Solved (A), 262
Dignitary on Dancing (A), 87
Dog’s Tale (A), 129
Down on the Fog Demon, 299

Down South, 94
Drama in America (The), S9
“Dream of Fair Women” (A), 204
Dreams for the New Year, 5
Drill and Drollery, 13
Drinking, 191

Druriolanus Triumphans, 5
Due South, 107, 112, 124, &c.

“ Dust ho ! ’’ 125
“Dux Fcemina Facti,” 145
Easter Holiday (An), 186
Echoes of the Street, 14 L
Electrifying ! 169
Elephant and the Eel (The), 146
Empress’s Massager (An), 250
“ En Bon Prince,” 269
English Society as She is Seen, 24
Epicure’s Expostulation (An), 39
Epigrammatic, 265

Essence of Parliament, 95, 103, 119, &c.

“ Evening Out” (An), 17

Exhibition Match (An), 206

Extracts from Lambeth Letter-Book, 40

Extremes Meet, 203

Fact or Fancy ? 155

Fair Comment, 186

Father Damien, 241

Fat of the Land (The), 147

First-rate, 265

First Witness (The) 198

“ Flourish of Trumpets ! ” (A), 90

Flowers vice Feathers, 222

“ Follow the Flag ! ” 13

Football h la Mode, 191

Foreign to Our Habits, 250

Free—but not Easy, 193

French and German Romanticists, 185

French Art with Sauce Hollandaise, 165

Froude’s Novel, 204

Full and Complete Guide to the Ex-
position (A), 317

Giving them their Characters, 72

Gleanings from Galleries, 173

Glorious Spin after a July Rabbit (A), 73

“Good-bye, Sweetheart, Good-bye 1" 63

Good News for Ghosts, 46

Good Resolutions for 1889, 2

Good Shilling’s-worth (A), 48

Good Wood ! 129

Goose and Gander, 30

Graceful Farewell (A), 36

Grand Old “Mandolinist” (The), 21

Grand Tour & la Mode (The), 194

Grand Transformation Scene, 30

“ Hands All Round ! ” 156

Happy Thought, 284

“ Hands Off !’’ 62

Hard Training, 37

Hardy Suckers, 45

Harmless Necessary Cat (The), 235

Harmonious Proceedings, 59

Hastie Judgment (A), 193

Hazard of the Dye (The), 189

Headquarters of Journalism (The), 159

Help for Yelpers, 70

Hercules Furens, 74

Hint from Cloudland (A), 75

His First Appearance, 6

H.M.S. “ Calliope,” 205

Holes and Cornerers, 297

Home Rule—and After? 216

Hook and Line, 307

Horrors of Eviction (The), 21

How London was Defended, 41

How the Poor Live, 33

Hymen Hymenma! 248

Imperial Defence, 219

Important European Questions, 177

Impromptu Armament (The), 96

“ In a Pickwickian Sense,” 147

Infant Roscii, 245

In Globo, 221

In Memoriam—John Bright, 162

In Memoriam Rosse, 222

In Memoriam to the Board of Works, 149

Insurance and Irony, 260

In their Easter Eggs, 203

In the Name of the Profit—Posters ! 197

In the “Sunny South,” 90

“Is Chivalry Possible?” 159

Is it Peace? 18

Joker’s Diary, 267

King Coal’s Defence, 156

Ladies and Logic, 284

Lady Macbeth Puzzle (The), 6

La France’s Lament, 98

Lambs at the Lyceum, 33

Last of Them (The), 69

Latest Thibetting (The), 49

La Vie h la Roose, 274

Law Courtesy, 201

Lay of the Lady Canvasser (The), 141
“Le Cricquette,” 282
“Le Foote-balle,” 308
“ Let me like a Soldier fall ! ’’ 219
Letter Perfect, 287
Light and Frivolous, 161
Limits of Taxation (The), 256
Lines Suggested by an Elector, 72
Literal Lyrics, 48
Literary Ladies’ Dinner (The), 290
Little Flirt’s Letter (The), 112
Little Rosebery’s Song, 20
Loafer’s Avowal (A), 57
London County Councils ! 78
Lord Duffering at the Manshun House, 294
Lowering the Standard, 22
Mammonite Thrift! 86
Marius-Shaw amidst the Ruins of Lon-
don. 14

Meatliropolitan Improvements, 189
Mems. for a County Councillor, 18
Mems. for the New Year, 3
Middle-Aged Masters at the Grosvenor, 48
Moan of the Monstrosity (The), 12
Moans at a Matinee, lu5
Modern Pursuit of Pleasure (The), 298
Modest Maharajah (A), 184
“Modus Operandi,” 249, 261, 270, &c.
More Disclaimers, 143

Most Appropriate, 24 8
Mr. Boulanger as “ General Buonaparte,”

Mr. Midshipman Un-Easy, 13S
Mr. Punch in Paris, 314
Mr. Punch’s Model Music-Hall Songs,
149, 181, 208, &c.

Mr. Punch’s Private View of the Royal
Academy, 223
Mudford, Awake ! 38
Musical Note of Admiration, 173
Music of the Future, 14
Mysterious Pipe (The), 177
Mystery (A), 160
Nags’ Tale (The), 89
Naples Journal-ist (A), 4
Naturally, 63

Naval Intelligence—up to Date, 290

(Nearly) Perfect Englishman (The), 72

Neck or Nothing, 84

Neglected Foundling (The), 238

Nemesis, 123

New Art Bart. (The), 201

New English Art Club (The), 184

New Work on an Old Subject, 2S8

New Year’s Resolutions, 1

“ No Love Lost 1 ” 149

Nomenclature, 191

Notes on the Play, 145

Not Quite Write, 77

Not Sweet on It, 234

Now and Then, 113

“Now, Sir ! ” 135

Ode to Four o’clock ! 248

Offer of the Olive-Branch (The), 248

Official Exercise (An), 165

On a Current Controversy, 107

On a Statesman’s Voice, 33

On Commission, 100, 109, 121, &c.

Original Stock, 183

Osprey and the Eagles (The), 122

Our Advertisers, 29

Our Agitant-General’s Diary, 255

Our Booking-Office, 12, 22, 25, &c.

Our In-Subordinates, 232
Our Own Hare, 209
Our Special Musical Critic, 244
Our Untired Spokesman, SO
Outside the Globe, 267
Overture (The), 221
Pacific Lay (A), 308
Painter-Etchers in Pall-Mall, 129
Parks Nobiscum, 248
Patching the “ Palladium,” 102
Paterfamilias Loquitur, 61
Patriotism h la Mode, 294
Pharisee’s Sunday (The), 174
Phelps’s Farewell, 59
Philosophic Reflection for Impatient
Patriots (A), 134

“ Penny for your Thoughts ” (A), 137
Persian Puzzles, 307
Personal Answer (A), 81
Per-Varsity, 284

Petites Bouch6es de Bushey, 269
Image description



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1889
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1884 - 1894
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 96.1889, Index, S. 327