Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 100.1891

DOI issue:
January 3, 1891
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[January 3, 1891.


{As they will probably be advertised in the Press of the day after to-morrow.)

Execution or the Little Peelington Muedeeeb.—Reserved
gallows seats, immediately behind the drop, commanding a clear
view of the dying struggles, with chance of hearing the criminal's
last confession ; Lady's ticket Two Guineas. Lady and Gentleman's,
ditto, three guineas. (8'30 a.m.)

Tktat. at the Old Ballet of La. Belle Isabelle, the husband-
poisoner. Last day of trial, summing-up of the Judge, intense
excitement. A few special tickets at Ten Guineas still obtainable
(including "snack" luncheon and use of opera-glasses), and com-
manding front view of the Judge when summing-up, and close sight
of the prisoner's facial play during the passing of sentence, &c.
(11. a.m. Ladies advised to be in their places not later tban 10 30 )
Great International Cbimes Exhibition at Bceotia.—Addi


January.—Leisurely return to England. Enthusiastic reception
en route.

February.—Greeted by Mayor and Corporation with an address at
Dover. Triumphant progress to London.
March.—Imposing scene at the Guildhall. Acceptance of the

Freedom of the City.

April.—Visits to the
provinces. Loud cbeers
on every side, and un-
the s \ ^^C^/^\^'W^^^^ limited hospitality.

May.—Lion of tbe
London Season. Hun-
dreds of nightly invita-

June.—Gaiety from

tional Attractions. Portrait groups in wax, life-size, of all great 1! Bobs o N^wllligM^y^-^y^ morning to night. LJni

criminals from Cain to Chaeles Peace; Lecture on Capital \ •'^^f^^^^^^^^^^^ versal recognition of
Punishments in all Ages, with illustrations and demonstra- / \\\\\\u

\W(/ll^\^^^^^^'^^ distinguished conduct,

tions (3 p.m. and 7 p.m.) Old Newgate. Mediaeval Torture J JIijit' Ir''f'[xT ^s£^~ July. — Phenomenal

Chamber in full work. Grand Execution Tableaux, <^ Jfr^k ^§ ^H^sT successof book of travels

in the grounds; realistic renderings of punishments \\// fW'^r^ 2= /"""Ni, and adventures,

inflicted on Ravaillac, Damiens, &c, &c. Allyvi^ IlAJc J' ^^^mi^^^ Augutt.—Popularity

(3 o'clock and 6'30 ) Auto-da-Fe &t 2"30 and 7. ||f//^ ^^^^ly^^W^r at its neight every-

Admission One Shilling. Children under \w< ^^ste^iS^L. =^=agC^^v^^^^ where, save in town,

eight half-price. Ladies' Reserved Seats .v\' \'>r.?•/•;. ^§fzSr~7 vl^Hfwc^TOk""^^^S^ill)^^^^ v" which now begins to

(inclusive of all Shows) One Guinea. \V:%'>' Y&/%fcl ^^m^A^T^f^^W^pt^ empty.

Open 10 till in. (Thirty thousand • / Ml *.'gSsL i^MM:^l*Jrll'WZ/MxSeptember. — Slight

persons, chiefly Ladies, passed the r x\ "Y^J// -ffl&ssiffi/ WMWi&A > reaction. Rejoinders

turnstiles last Wednesday.) aj\ >;:''; / i^MxMm'^^'^^l^yk^^''^) \ '"^ begin to appear.

Pcblic Vivisection Demon- vVV:-v Vhm IV ^fw/yTL^^^^Sl^^ --^^ ^1 ^^^^T^v ^ ' \^ ' =^": October. — Unplea

stbation at the Sensational /y ^S^^^^v /-^T^ '"/ W//WW) I llh\\\\ <-i.^L fl \ ^ santness on the increase.

Surgical Societies Rooms.— ==:;^*s// ■'■ >?' Y''':: .J-L ^f*^ Interviewing, letters to

Exhibition of the droll ( era) /fifV^^^^- (X^S&Tbk-- tne papers, and sensa-
effects of Curari upon Vsv*^ i^^y M • % ^/(\^^'— aft £T f'H- i ~c tional journalism gent-
subjectsundertheknife, it/'/ %^P^!\\ '^^^^T^^".^ i^^^-~1 ■K^)v\ifr^ rally,
and the actual cautery. <i| kfMY \Y3r&/ -^yVS^^t/^^fe,H'7* V- - ' . ll^o November.—Demon-
No annoying noise, or <}^0^'^Vm£/A / V^kl/VN^"*" stration at the Lord
disconcerting struggles! 4^/^ ^\%jZ^EE\ iH^jif'^^^^-'^s^^'?^^^"^ ^«5L^\b^^^^ Mayor's Show. Charges,
Bulgarian Band will 5^7 \ VlP'^^ counter - charges, and
play Popular Pieces. #/^ '% \§^&^^^^^^^^f^^^ recrimination- Firet-

^Buu Fight at the ^ "^^^'^^^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' please^strongly reJom-

day. ' Absolutely no re- • I} ^MZ/f'rr/Hi! wlll^/////^ <^^^.^^^^ i?^)v sensation (about a

strictions! Serious ac- WW^^ murder or a charitable

cidents daily! Two • ' A\&&F~^sfl// '"_ ' r"<,x ..j^Ib JS^'2fe^-.f*f '•vN^^V^\v', scheme) and everything

Toreadors killed last ' ^^Mt^//^S^£^\ ^" ^\ ^JTl^mt^W^- W$ forgotten _(if not for-

week, and seven seri- ■ y^'Z A 3^ r' \" * V^-^^rT> M~ ' '^m ' \. v\ given) in time to observe

ously injured. Node- Jf?^ ^Ili^>^v\ a Merry Christmas and

ception ! Extra fierce . rt^^VoV^^^WX \r4 MS®> U$MM*i YA ' ' / a Happy New Year.

bulls to-day, and con-
sequent prospect of

Highly Sensational : \^Tlite ^-\^ m2S& .^^m^^O^y) ■ "":< HOLIDAY TASKS

Scenes in the -^CJJ f ^^^^>' W^'7^X^^^_ tor

Aeena!!! Admission, ^ V/ / 3f xVVfi , "j' i^^3'^ ;,W THE NEW YE A P.

Is. to £5 5s. Specially /// MVWSN^)^^ ^'^iT^J^^^y^^J) „ r„

Reserved Front Seats for ' J 1 I \ ^x N ^ »■ \^2%t'J -^^\r<r^ Emperor of R-ts-a.

Ladies, £7 7«. (3 p.m., «mt,..bu otaco »> —To Per80nally visit

and 8-30.) LITERARY STARS." Siberia.

Impebial Phonogbathic Society, Hall of Hobbobs.—Phono- King of It-ly^—To oome to terms with the Vatican,
graphic Reproductions of Last Dying Speeches and Confessions of
Criminals. Sobs and Hysterical Attacks of Persons under trial
(Women especially). Reports of Cases tried in Camera. Private
Conversations of parties to Causes Celebres, &c, &c, &c. Highly
realistic revelations, and Sensational Vucal Scenes. Admission,
Half a Guinea. (8 p.m.)

Pobnographic Abt Gallebies.—Now open daily. Admission
by private card only. Illustrated Catalogue (purchase of which is
compulsory), Two Guineas. Special coloured copies including repro-
duction of pictures in Special Art Sanctum, £10 10s. (10 till 4 only.)

Ghoul Theatbe.—The Society Beauty and the Blood Bath, or,
The Demon of Dahomey! Strongly Sensational Melodrama, in
Five Acts, and a Special Death Dance Tableau ! ! ! The Toilet!
The Torture ! 1 The Tub !!! Beauty unadorned and Bloodshed
Undisguised ! Mirth-moving Murders and Side-splitting Suicides !
Fun and Funerals ! Roars of Laughter and Tremendous Thrills of
Pleasing Horror Nightly! Open at 7 30. Commence at 8.
Moving in Society at 9 ! Great Toilet Scene at 9'30 !
The Blood-Bath at 10 45 ! Death Dance Tableau at 11'5 !
Carriages at 11'10 !

Enormous Success! Two-hundred-and-fifty-second Night, and
still crowded with the elite of Fashion! Be in time! ! !

Emperor of O-rm-nv.—To stay at home.
King of P-rtug-l.—To accept tbe situation in Africa.
President C-rn-t.—To forget the existence of Egypt.
King of Sp-n.—To master the difficulties of the Alphabet.
Emperor of A-str-a.—Between Kingdom and Empire, to make
both ends meet.
Lord S-l-sb-ry.—To prepare for the General Election.
Mr. Gl-dst-ne.—To explain Home Rule.
Lord R, Ch-rch-ll.—To give up racing in favour of politics.
Mr, H. M. St-nl-y.—To re-write Darkest Africa.
General B-th.—To publish a balance-sheet that will please all.
Mr. Sheriff A-g-st-s H-rr-s.—-To attend to his professional duties,
and get through his official work.

And Mr. P-nch.— To bear as gaily as ever the weight of half a

Suggestion fob Mr. W. B. at the T. E. O.—Should Mr. Wilson
Babeett contemplate giving another Matinee of that out-of-date
play, The Lady of Lyons, why not change its title to The Old
Lady of Lyons ? No extra charge for this suggestion.

Genuine Oeange Bittebs.—Police Protection to Tim Healt.
Image description






Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Wheeler, Edward J.
um 1891
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1886 - 1896
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Rechteinhaber Weblink
Punch, 100.1891, January 3, 1891, S. 2