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Punch — 102.1892

DOI issue:
January 16, 1892
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January 16, 1892.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. 29

Hard-riding Individual (to Friend, whose Horse hm refused toith dire results). "Hello ! Charley, old Max, how ale Turnips

looking down in that neighbourhood ? "

[She steps into the gondola ; Bob raises his eyebrows in mute interro-
gation at Podbury, tvho shakes his head, and alloics the gondola
to go without him.
Poclb. (to himself, as the gondola disappears). So that's over!
Hanged if I don't think I'm sorry, after all. It will be beastly
lonely without anybody to bully me, and she could be awfully nice
when she chose. . . . Still it is a relief to have got rid of old Tin-

"We hear of a curious incident in connection with the revival of
Henry the Eighth at the Lyceum. On Saturday night, a gentleman
who had witnessed the play from the Stalls and carefully sat it out,
demanded his money back as he went out. He did so on the ground
that he had always understood that Henry the Eighth was by
Shakspeare, and found it credibly asserted that that gentleman had
no part in the authorship of the piece. Mr. Bram Stoker, M.A.

toret, and not to have to bother about Bellini and Cima and j was called to the assistance of the box-keeper, and ably discussed
that lot . . . How that beggar Culchard will crow when he hears ] the point. Whilst declining to commit himself to the admission that

of it! Shan't tell him anything—if I ean help it. . . . But the
worst of getting the sack is—people are almost bound to spot you.
1 think I '11 be off to-morrow. I 'ye had enough of Venice!


In the admirably-compiled columns of " This Morning's News,"
given in the Daily News, Ave read with interest a paragraph
occasionally appearing, furnishing information as to prices current
in the Provision Market. We have made arrangements to supply
our readers with something of the same character, which cannot fail
to be valued in the household.

From, numerous sources of information, we learn that prime
English beef is underdone, which causes rather a run on mutton.
Revenons, &c, is the watchword in many households. Poultry flies
rather high for the time of year, and grouse is also up. Grice—why
not F plural of mouse, mice—grice, we say, are growing more absent,
and therefore dearer. Black game is not so darkly hued as it is
painted, and a few transactions in wild duck are reported. Lard is
hardening, as usual in frosty weather. Hares are not so mad as in
March,_ still, on the approach of a passer-by, they go
off rapidly. Babbits, especially Welsh ones, are now
excellent. As Christmas recedes, geese have stopped
laying golden eggs. _ Turkey (in Europe, at least) is
in high feather. Brill is now in brilliant condition ;
soles are right down to the ground, whilst eels begin
to show themselves in pairs. Halibut is cheap, but
_r °* -k^13, sackbut is scarce, and psaltery requires such prolonged
soaking before it is fit for the table, that purchasers fight shy of
anything but small parcels. As for plaice, a large dealer tells us he
has been driven to the conclusion that there is " no plaice like home."

Shakspeare had no hand in the work, he quoted authority which
assigned the authorship to Fletcher and Massenger ; in which case,
he ingeniously argued, the authorship being dual, the price of the
Stalls ought to be doubled. Conversation taking this turn, the
gentleman, whose name did not transpire, withdrew.

Miss Jane Cobden, ex-Alderman of the London County Council,
who has long pluckily championed Woman's Bights, has now, according
to an announcement in the papers, determined to assert her own, and
get married. C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas—Aldermanic.

A telegram from Berlin states that Dr. Pfeiffer, a son-in-law of
Professor Ivoch, has succeeded in discovering the cause of influenza
and its infection in a bacillus, which, when seen under the micro-
scope, appears in the shape of a most minute rod. The best thing
that can be done with this rod is to put it in pickle, and keep it there.

It is satisfactory to know that, at the approaching revival of
Hubando, the Brigand, the handkerchiefs used by the Brigands in
their famous scene of contrition at the end of the Third Act, are
entirely of British manufacture. We understand that they are from
the looms of Messrs. Puff and Reclame.

In the First Act of the same piece, it will be remembered that the
bridal party is captured whole by Hubando, disguised as a mendi-
cant, in the recesses of one of the forests of the Abruzzi. _ The real
pine-trees, which are to figure in the foreground of this striking
scene, have been grown, with immense labour and expense, in the
well-known nurseries of Messrs. Weedem and Potter, at
Ditchington. The mendicant's rags, it should be added, are from
one of our most celebrated slop-shops in the Ratcliff Highway.
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