Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 103.1892

DOI Heft:
August 27, 1892
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88 punch, or the london charivari. [August 27, 1892.

Old Shylock turns up quite permiskus, and

always upon the full trot;
He seemed mixed up with Portias, and Doges,
smart gals, and the dickens knows wot.

Ad a seat in my ship, and seemed skeery.

/cheered 'er up—wot do you think ?
'No danger," sez I, "not a mossel! Now
is there, old lollipop-legs ?

All kep waving their arms like mad semy- ; Sit 'ere, Miss, and trim the old harky! Go
phores, dom' the akrybat prank, gently now, young 'Am-and-Eggs !

I did mean doin' It'ly this year; but sez

Luck, " Oh, go 'ome and eat coke !
Leastways, that's as I hunderstand 'er. A


Dear Charlie,—'Ow 'ops it, my 'earty ?

Yours truly's still stived up in Town.
Won't run to a 'oliday yet, mate. I'm long-
ing to lay on the brown

By a blow from the briny, but, bless yer, j As if they was swimming" in nothink, or'ail- ('Ow much for y'er "mustard-striped Ticksies ?

things now is as bad as they 're made. ing a 'bus for the Bank. Way-oh ! Wy, you nearly run down

Hmfluenzas, Helections and cetrer, has U gez to a party beside me, "Old man, wot The Ryhalto' that time, you young josser.

bloomin' nigh bunnicked up Trade. tte do(£e doeg it mmn \ „ Look hout, Miss, he '11 crack your sweet

My screw's bin cut down by a dollar ; along Sez he, "A dry attic, yer know, of wich crown!"

of 'ard times,_sez_our bloke. Venice, yer see, wos the Oueen. Larf, Charlie? She did a fair chortle. I

That cove in a nightcap's the Doge ; for an j 'are sech a way with the shes.

old 'un he can move about. | "We 'ad six sixpennorths together—I tell you

They had G. 0. M.'s, mate, in Venice; of 'twos go-as-you-please!
narsty one, Luck, and no kid ; that there is not the least doubt. j Modern Venice, took out of a toy-box, with

Always gives yer the rough palacesfourteenfoot'igh.
of 'er tongue when 1 ^^^^>x And Bridges o' Sighs cut in

you're quisby, or short i JH i|i ^^W^^^>, pasteboard, is larks all

of a quid. ____|_: |L Hr]" ' Wfflfo® Wim i the same, and no fly.

When I 'eard about Venice - ' I i ^ort °' eos5r romanticky feel-
in London, I thinks to —"—----------- S| ^//iilK^a-paddling along

myself, mate, thinks I, ---—-- ^ I . ^Mw^t^^S * them canals,

'Ere's a'oliday tour on the ^ ~^ >ifSlE^J^%/>! With the manderlines

cheap! 'Ere's a barney twangling all round,

as 'Arry must try. - /^^^^^^^^f ' and the larf of the gayest

No Continong this year, ^1 / _ JS?Wj&^ gffJ^V a> of gals

that's certain, old man, - —% j£W^^B^^/^ / Gurgling up through the

for the likes of poor me; ■^Z^' £^^8? sSf%^^/ xS^z Hightalian hair—

But whilst I've a hob I've - ~~. "T^^^^/^k^ S wi^S- though it do 'ave a

a chance for a hoss at ■ / '•■ § ffl m \ ■ ^'^/daC // ^0s& cockneyfied sniff,—

the Bride o'the Sea. E3lllptJL ^\J#P\^ vS^-- Wy it's better than spooning

Them posters of Imre "--—' WmEm\ '£Jt^§:^~ at Marlow with Molly

Kiraley's for gorgeous- , ^ '^^^X Ofe*^ Molloy in a skiff,

ness quite takes the cake. "'^P^t1'"""'-^ \ 5 -feSisf/ ifr - I felt like Lord Byron, I tell

Friend Imre's a spanker, s:t't ,f A? $^t^%r^i~J% x \0S /' m, 'Wr yer; I stretched myself,

you bet, and quite fly to c ^^^^SS^jj^^^M/ss^^^^A x^^%0? fSt^Z orty-like, hout,

the popular fake. ^^^^^^^y^ 'CPillfl^ K^fe And wished it could go on all

"Stupendious work," Imre __^^^^W^^^--' yi | ~^~^^£f*f IfS^55" night, wich my pardner

calls it, and I. K. is ~Z^S°~iS:- ~-w ^jit=~- a*f ^JBt - feri^F did ditto, no doubt.

0. K. no doubt. fi^SQ&ISg;.. 'xtflp-. fiji H 5==5^|R^ Modern Venice in minichure,

Your old Country Fair Show Ifo^-. ^S^^-M ^sfsil Charlie, ain't really so

takes a back seat when Z^—- Km^m^ '^^^^^r^$^^-i^^^^^- '-' J^Wu^ z=w^=±\ dusty, you bet;

ikey young I. K.'s '-Wlm ■" ^^^^^Rj^-^^J/ /v^aas^jji^■ '$t„ j~ _ I wos quite a Bassanio in

about. '^^hw^m^n1- "^^^^^^^^fe^ 10^1 breeks, and 1 ain't lost

Oh, the jam and the mustard, :; i W" ^^SBSm U ff^^^fm^^^-^^^. the twang of it yet.

my pippin, the crimsing, -■lilli^—'v." ~ ilfy Portia wos Polly Maria;

the blue, and the gold ! 'Miim^^^^^^SS^mi ^-'^^^Mf/t-^'wlM/wL fj ' she tipped me her name

Scissorree, Charlie, rain- - mb I^^^T^^^^K^-4^^^^^^^idla^m//^^^J^^ fair and free;

bows ain't in it, and -.MMm^ "^^^^^^^^ ''^^^^'w^mWUI^mA /// And a pootier young mossel

prisums is out in the ^"^L^~ t^-^L ~-^y^^yLK- '/ ^ V , ^w^^BR/^^ "> o' muslin, 1 never 'ad

cold. .^^^^Ri^^t ^'^^^^^^^^t^W^fM^^ ^^^ilM^ms^Cf ^ ^ perch on my knee.

I do like apictereskposter, as -'^^^^K^^' ^ /^^^^^WV ^w^^^~'W^fS^^^^^ ' s^e orL 'er' no^n^; ^ow_

big as a bloomin' back -0?^-{/./v^Vv-X-^//^2^\~'1 - lived, Charlie, lady-

With the colour slopped on » IJ^. ■ ^mW>^^S^M\ %^^^^^^ ground,

quite regardless; if that W^' ii\^^^^^Sl ' ' m^^^^^^mn ]'~^JiS:=-^^^^^^^^^ ^ I called'er my fair " Bride of

ain't 'Igh 'Art, wy it's \\ ^V/i \% \ \ W^^^Ml)l^l^Mx!K^^^':" Venice."' In fact, we

'ard. ^ A ' J J L X \l fl^Wi^^^fe* wos 'appy all round.

'Owsomever I mustn't feelo- WW/ " ^ IW^^^^^^^^^^^^^K- - She said I wos 'er form to a

serphise. Off to Olympia -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fei^^ hounce, and if anyone

I 'ooks, looked more 0. K.

To see Venice the Bride of the Sea, as set
forth in them sixpenny books.

Bless his twirly merstache, he's a twicer,
this Imre Kiralfy, dear boy,

And he give me a two hours' spektarkle old
Leighxon hisself might enjoy.

Bit puzzling the "Pageant" is, Charlie,

until that Synopsis you've read ;
Wish I 'd mugged it all up overnight; but I

carn't get it straight in my 'ead.
Sort q' mixture of Shylock and Byron, with

bits of Othello chucked in,
Muddled up with " Chioggian wars," as

seemed mostly blue fire and bright tin.

But the scenes wos 'splendiferous, Charlie.

About arf a mile o' stage front,
With some thousands of 'eroes and supers, as

seemed all the time on the 'unt.
Lor! 'ow they did scoot up and down that

there stage at the double, old man,
All their legs on the waggle, like flies, and

their armour a-chink as they ran!

That's Vettore Pisant, the Hadmiral; ; In a nobby Gondoler than me, well that chap
t'other is General Zeno 'adn't travelled 'er way ;

Defending the State, I persoom, and they 're Wich wos Barnsbury Park—so she whispered,

'aving a fust-class old beano. with sech a sly giggle, dear boy!

Wy Pedro the Second, of Cyprus, and j I sez " Bully for Imre Kiralfy ! His Show

Portia is made a rum blend is a thing to henjoy! "

With Turps Siccory's Revels, and so on, no And s0 it { Charlie, old hoyster. The
doubt we shall twig at the hend." i music ig twangly, I own,

I sez, "Thankee! that's werry instructive.

You do know a lot, mate, you do ! "
Then the fight at Chioggia came on. Sech a

rum pully-haully all through.
But the Victory Percession wos proper, and

And if I've a fancy myself, 'taint hexactly

the Great Xylophone; _
But the speeches of musical scratch-backs

the dancers keep time with so pat,
In that fairy-like Carnival Bally, fetched

so was the All Frisky feet, Polly, ah, all round 'er 'at!

And the way as they worked the gondolers, j That >at wos a spanker) I tell yer ; as big as

them streaky-legged chaps, wos a treat. the Doge's State-Barge,

But the best o' the barney came arter. 1 And like all the "Four Seasons" in one!

took a gondoler, old man,
Sort o' wobbly black coffin afloat, and per-

pelled on the rummiest plan
With one oar and a kind of notched post.
But a dressy young party in pink

"Well," sez Polly, " I do like 'em large,
Them Venetian pork-pies ain't my fancy, no

room for no trimmings above.
They wouldn't suit Barnsbury Park, though
they might do ' The Castle of Love'! "
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