Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 103.1892

DOI Heft:
September 17, 1892
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September 17, 1892.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI.



Picturing the Various Modes of Melodramatic Murder. {By Our " Of-his "-Head Poet.)


They stand alone on the moonlit spot,— i Though, one is Standing,* and one is not,
Sing Ho—ho ! and Ha—ha ! there ' I For one's cold as the clay there !

One is the villain, and one is not,
But the heroine's father.

They stand alone on the patch of light

(Which comes from the left as well as

Oh, 'tis a glorious place and night
For a Murder Scene ! Rather !

They talk of deeds (of the parchment

Sing Ha—ha ! and Ho-ho ! there!
The heavy father, to reason hlind,

Has them with him to show there !
The deeds relate to the old man's will;
The villain wants them to pay a hill!
The night is cold, and the night is still

Let the music be slow there !

They stand alone in the pale-green
Sing Hey—hey! and he—he! there!
What is this flashing so keen and
bright ?
What is this that I see there ?
Oh ! deed of darkness in light descried !
Oh ! villain thrice damn'd that blade to

Right 'tween the arm on the farther side— I The villain covers the dead man's stare—
Certain death when it be there! I The corpse lies stiff in the limelight's

They 're still alone on the moonlit spot—
Sing He—he ! and Hey—hey! there !


The act is done!—and for all I care,
The dead body can stay there !

* Herbert.


Wonderful pictures of purple and gold,

Ultramarine, and vermilion, and bistre ;
Splendid insariptions of hostels untold,

Touching memorials breathing of " Mr. ; "
"Schweizerhof," "Bernerhof," "Hofs" by
the score; [Bellevue,

Signs of the Bear and the Swan, and the
Gasthaus, Albergo, Posada, galore— [you!

Beautiful wrecks, how I wish 1 could shelve

Yisions of Venice—her stones and her smells !

Whiffs of Cologne—aromatic mementos ;
Yisiting cards, so to speak, of hotels;

Como's, Granada's, Zermatt's and Sor-
rento's ;

Ah ! how ye cling to my boxes and bags,
Glued with a pigment that baffles removal;

Dogged adherents in dirt and in rags ;
Labels, receive my profane disapproval!

Much as I prized you, when roaming afield,
Loved you, when Life was metheglyn and

Wished you the spell of remembrance to wield,
Calling the scenery back and the victuals;

Still, when it blows and it rains, and it irks,
Here in apartments adjoining a seaview,

After a meal that would terrify Turks,
Somehow I feel I can scarcely believe you.

Yes ! It's too much to remember the past—
Here, amid shrimps, and agilities nameless;

Glaciers gigantic, and Restaurants vast
Chime not with sands and a tablecloth

Smoking a pestilent, sea-side cigar, [nurses,
Mewed in a lodging with children and

Epitaphs gorgeous of far " Dolce far'''
Curse you with paterfamiliar curses !


Some years ago a babe was born—I need not name the place-
With a puffy, pasty, podgy, gutta-percha sort of face,
Which wrinkles sub-divided, into funny_ little bits,
While beady eyes peered cunningly behind two tiny slits.

In a fountain which played handy—it was near Trafalgar Square—
He was rushing off to drown himself, the victim of despair,
When he knocked against a person he'd not seen for quite an age,
Who had left his home some years before, and gone upon the Stage.

His nose was like a mushroom of the foreign button dH18 To this friend he soon narrated his distressing tale of

sort, [extra short;


His form was quaint and chubby, and his legs were JS-flif And declared his case was hopeless. But the actor

That his nurse spoke like Sapphiea, I have always W§Plst said, " Not so.

had a fear, W&Sf There's one thing, my fine fellow, that as yet you

When she said he was a " beauty," and a pretty little > haven't tried,

dear." jftm^diA Where your face will be your fortune, and a pound or

Yes, such remarks were really of the truth, a dreadful driMi ^w^" ** ^ ^es^e*

stretch, _ [wretch; mam I " With a mouth like yours to grin with, and your too

For, in point of fact, that baby was a hideous little ^wlir' If -SB delicious squint,

And in course of time he grew up—though a loving Wml TV;^R And the ears that Nature's given you with such a lack

mother's joy— mjjjfe of stint—

Into quite a champion specimen of the genius ugly fSm No matter what an author may provide you with to

boy." speak,

At school his teasing comrades gave him many comic llf ^mBm YoU 're a Pf,dy-made Comedian-with your fifty quid

names, M^^^^^m^ & W

And he became the victim of all sorts of naughty games; |jt\ And it was so. Though he started at a figure rather

Nor did the master like him, for he felt that such a face, wk \ ':^a^^M less

Mid a row of ruddy youngsters, was extremely out of II v<^BfefP Than the one that I have mentioned, still the truth 1

Place. ^ \ '/^^^M but express

In time, his father placed him in the City-as a clerk- £ . ^MIM® When ] sfy he now is earning .such a wage as

Where his personal appearance excited much remark; -r | \WWsilBM « wouldn t shock .... . . . ..

But he fell out with his principal, whose customers '■ - §M VlBI^ A respectable Archbishop or a fashionable

complained, nttfflk^' jock.

That his clerk was making faces, and said "Bosh!" ' And the face that all men sneered at, now is very

when he explained. ^ V SIm^S^ much admired,

On perceiving from the office that he never would be W JHSfllF And the public ne'er, apparently, of watehing it grows

missed E^BftB^^^^*^**^ iirc^Xf

As Mr. Gilbert puts it, he determined to enlist; Wm? And the Merc.nant who dismissed him, in the Stalls is

And so one summer afternoon he started forth in search tlgP^ wont to sit,

Of a Sergeant who perambulates close by St. Martin's "A ready-made Comedian with WhjJe the Sergeant and his sweetheart are applauding

Church. fifty quid a week." ±rom tne rit«

The Sergeant burst out laughing when he'd uttered his request,
And declared that, of a batch of jokes he knew, this was the best;
" 'Tis a pity you 're too short, my lad," he then went on to say,
For wid that face ye'd froighten ivery inimy away! "

4 I >

The moral of my narrative is easy to espy.
But still I'd better mention it, lest some should pass it by :
" Though it's often very troublesome indeed to find it out—
There's a proper sphere for evert/one, beyond the slightest doubt.
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