Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Historii Sztuki — 43.2018

DOI Artikel:
Gzell, Sławomir: Place Grunwaldzki i Narutowicza w Warszawie – odmienne realizacje przestrzeni publicznej. Historia i dzień dzisiejszy
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zabudowa stopniowo przesuwała się od cytadeli na zachód. Być może gdyby wcześniej powstała trasa
N - S z wiaduktem nad torami kolejowymi, to nowy impet uzyskałyby siły miastotwórcze w okolicach
ulicy Stołecznej. Czy tak by się stało - nie wiadomo, zwłaszcza że w okresie powojennym odrzucano
z niezrozumiałą konsekwencją wszystko, co mogło doprowadzić do realizacji wczesnych zamysłów pla-
nistycznych na placu Grunwaldzkim. Historia w tym miejscu Warszawy przegrała.

The planning analysis of Warsaw’s public squares shows that one cannot talk of a “typical Warsaw square” - it simply doesn’t
exist. Warsaw squares ai e not repetitive by nature; they aie all different instead. As a result, if we wanted to create guidelines for a new
square in Warsaw on the basis of an analysis of the existing squares, it simply can’t be done. On the other hand, we can say that the
formal diversity of these squares is their strength. As pail of a larger interconnected system (best seen on the city map), these squares
provide passers-by with an opportunity to look at various urban interiors, and to locate a variety of services for residents. Squares aie
also an opportunity to create an individual identity for urban spaces, provided that the squares have a characteristic identity. Above all,
they must be squares in the most common sense of the word, that is, they should be easily readable fragments of space limited by walls
of a height appropriate for the size of the square. It is almost impossible to establish how much time is needed to create a public square
in contemporary urban planning. In the archives, there aie of course various annotations on plans and some dates entered by architects,
but experience suggests that such information should be approached with caution. This is the result of the dynamics of urban life which
dominate eveiything, often conflicts in the competitive effort to secure valuable space. Such processes aie rudimentary elements of the
planning and urban planning, and should not come as a surprise. It is, however, a real skill in the management of urban space to be able
to keep the spirit of the place, or what we otherwise call the identity of the place, despite various events and changes. Two excellent
examples aie Warsaw’s boroughs of Żoliborz and Ochota, although this does not mean that urban planning has always been excellent
there. Between 1921 and 1923, two new public squares were planned there - Grunwaldzki Square in Żoliborz, and Narutowicz Square
in Ochota. In Żoliborz, this was done in connection with the creation of an entirely new district, built around a new city axis. This axis
stalled in the former Citadel, which lost its role as a defence area, and ended in the new semi-circular Grunwaldzki Square. Narutowicz
Square was planned as the official centre of the Ochota district.
Both Grunwaldzki Square and Narutowicz Square were created as fragments of larger metropolitan projects built in the tradition
of the historical French urban planning. At the same time, the architects used more modem trends in designing cities and green suburbs.
The combination of the two produced interesting results in Warsaw - a city full of green spaces designed on a grand metropolitan scale.
Thanks to such projects, Warsaw was able to evolve and lessen the difference in living conditions between older and newer boroughs.
The civilizational aspect of both projects is evident.
The fate of the two squares was different. While Narutowicz Square was carried to completion thus fulfilling its promises,
significant parts of Grunwaldzki Square were never completed. An urban truth was confirmed here, that the delay in the execution of a
project (regardless of the reasons) causes such far-reaching changes in the space that it loses its initial character. However, if one asked
about these reasons, one should look for answers in the prosaic confrontation between intentions and possibilities. Narutowicz Square
was located within a defined urban structure more modest in terms of planned buildings, and therefore easier to implement. Grunwaldzki
Square was situated in an empty space at the far- end of the city plan, and had to wait for the building work to reach it when shifting
from the Citadel towards the west. Unfortunately, when this had happened after the Second World War; different urban planning rules
were already in place in Warsaw. Such conclusions, however, are not entirely legitimate, since there is no tangible evidence that the
events took this turn.

transl. Katarzyna Krzyżagórska-Pisarek