Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Richter, Jean Paul [Hrsg.]; Hertz, Henriette [Bearb.]
La collezione Hertz e gli affreschi di Giulio Romano nel Palazzo Zuccari — Römische Forschungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana, Band 5: Rome: Bibl. Hertziana, 1928

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Y berWill dated ist November i$ii, Miss HenrietteHert^ bequeathed tbe Pictures

JLJ which had adorned ber residence Palalo Zuccari, Rome, to tbe Italian nation. It
may be of interest to record how ibis collection of pictures carne into being.
Some fifty ye ars ago Miss Hert^, a school friend of my mother, carne to England to live
in our family as companion and friend. Botb my parents and Miss Hert^ bad always
taken a deep interest in classical and renaissance art, fostered by thè study of Goethe and
Winckelmann. This interest afforded my father mental relaxation from thè eccessive
strain of establishing successfully thè Ammonia-Soda process in England.
Some ten years later myfather was enabledto take a mucb needed vacation, and they hastened
to Florence. Here they first carne into contact wttb Italians and Italian Art, and after
two subsequentvisits to Florence they took up their residence in Rome, which henceforth for
some 3 oyears became their home during thè winter season. It was in Fior enee that myparents
first made thè acquaintance ofDr.J. P. Richter, by whose advice and help my father acquired
thè collection of pictures whicb decorated thè walls of bis London house. The majority of
these pictures he bequeathed to thè National Gallery in London. He also acquired most of
thè pictures comprised in thè Herfr Collection.
For their residence in Rome myparents took apartmentsin theCasaZuccari on thè Trinità de*
Monti, and when, in 19 04, thè opportunity arose of acquiring thè whole complex ofbuildings,
my father entrusted tolngegniere Mariano Cannidar0 thè carrying out of thè necessary alte-
rations. The ground floor of thè Casa, which had been thè residence of its builder, Fede-
rico Zuccaro, who had decorated it with frescoes relating to himself and bis family, was
carefully restored and adapted for its ultimate conversion into a library, vfr : Biblioteca
Hertfrana. The ceiling of tbe dining-room on thè second floor was remodelled by Professor
Meurer to receive a series of frescoes by Giulio Romano. These had in formeryears deco-
rated thè ceiling of thè Villa Laute on thè Gianicolo. Upon completion, my father presented
this whole block of buildings to Miss Herfr.