Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Editor]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 8.2015

DOI issue:
Artykuły / Articles
DOI article:
Żarnowiecka, Jagoda: Seria Katedra Lucjana Mianowskiego w kontekście historyczno-artystycznym - analiza i interpretacja
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Seria Katedra Lucjana Mianowskiego w kontekście historyczno-artystycznym - analiza i interpretacja


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Lucjan Mianowskie Cathedra! graphic series in the historical
and artistic context - analysis and interpretation
The series Katedra was created by Lucjan Mianowski in 1959-1963, right after the
artist returned to Cracow from his studies in Paris. The series consists of a complex
collection of graphic prints created with the use of the lithographic techniąue and
elements of metal and photographic techniques; each work in the collection is an
autonomous painting.
The present paper attempts to set the series in the historical and artistic context
in a morę profound manner. Due to the lack of written sources related to the series
(including the authors comments) and due to the scarcity of Information resulting
from interviews with other artists, colleagues of Lucjan Mianowski, the research was
mainly and exclusively based on the artists work itself- that is, on his graphic prints
and on matrices that were used to create them. A detailed technological analysis per-
mitted, to a large extent, to reproduce the original complex techniąue of the artist,
where the creative process concerned every stage of creation, including printing.
This article attempts to set these works in the context of artistic, graphics-related
tendencies of the period under consideration, that - until now - have been recog-
nized in a limited way in the research. The works of Mianowski show a relationship
with the method of work close to the artists who use Karol Hiller s experiences in the