Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Hrsg.]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 8.2015

DOI Heft:
Artykuły / Articles
DOI Artikel:
Czop, Janusz; Frączek, Piotr; Hoyo-Meléndez, Julio M. del; Matosz, Marta: Leonardo da Vinci Lady with an Ermine - the latest research into the artist's painting technique and the state of preservation of the painting
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Leonardo da Vinci Lady with an Ermine - the latest research into the artist's painting technigue...


The painting in the Princes Czartoryski collection
1799-1800 - during his stay in Italy Adam Jerzy Czartoryski buys Leonardos painting
(in unknown circumstances) and Rafaels painting (in Venice), next he gives them to
his mother - Izabela Czartoryska (nee Fleming) for her collection in Puławy.
1809 - the painting is placed in the Gothic House in Puławy.
1830 - evacuation to Sieniawa.
1832-1840 - the painting is initially hidden in Klemensowo and next bricked up in
Sieniawa for 8 years together with Rafaels and Rembrandts paintings and with other
treasures. After the fali of the November Uprising, Czartoryski family flee from Puławy
to Paris. In 1843 they buy Hotel Lambert, where Leonardos painting is to be placed.
1848 - the collection is transported through Dresden to Paris in 1849.
1876 - Władysław Czartoryski establishes the Czartoryski Museum in Kraków. Leon-
ardos and Rafaels paintings transported in 1882.
1914-1920 - World War I: the painting taken to Dresden.
1939-1946 - World War II: evacuation to Sieniawa - the Germans find the treasures and
the painting; 1939 - the painting exhibited in Berlin, 1940 - return to Kraków to Wawel
Castle, then residence of Hans Frank, 1941 - Wrocław, 1943 - return to Wawel Castle,
1944 - evacuation to Seichau Castle in Lower Silesia, finally found in Franks villa in
Conservation examination and treatment until 2012
During his stay in Italy in 1799 or 1800 Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, in a place and
circumstances unknown until today, bought Leonardo da Vincis painting Lady with
an Ermine, which he presented a year later to his mother - Princess Izabela Czartoryska
to the first in Poland national museum, created by her in their residence in Puławy.
It is almost certain that Adam Czartoryski knew who the author of the purchased paint-
ing was, however, he could not have possibly foreseen the great significance the painting
he had bought would have for both the history of the Czartoryski family and the history
of Poland. And surely he could not have foreseen that the safety and the State of preserva-
tion of the painting would become a subject of not only Polish but International concern
and heated debate.
So far no unequivocal evidence has been found which could explain what happened
to the picture from about the middle of 16th century (it probably was owned by Cecilia
Gallerani till her death in 1536)1 until the moment it was bought by Adam Czartoryski

1 P.C. Marani, Leonardo da Vinci. The Complete Paintings, New York 2003, p. 173; G. Bastek, Leon-
ardo, po coś się tak trudził, [in:] Twarzą w twarz z obrazem. Materiały Seminarium Metodologicznego
Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki, Nieborów 24-26 października 2002, ed. M. Poprzęcka, Warszawa 2003,
p. 159.