Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Miodońska, Barbara; Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Editor]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie: Rex regum i rex Poloniae w dekoracji malarskiej Graduału Jana Olbrachta i Pontyfikału Erazma Ciołka: z zagadnień ikonografii władzy królewskiej w sztuce polskiej wieku XVI — Kraków, 12, Suppl..1979

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Preface . 7
Introduction.. 9
Part 1. The Gradual of Jan Olbracht. Regnant aeteraant and regnant sptrtdaa/e. 15
Chapter 1. Arrangement of the Text and Principles on which the Iconographic Programme
was Composed. 17
Chapter 2. The Miniatures
a. The Kyrie. Imperator coelesits. 23
b. The Kyrie. „Ecce in tasRRn regna&tt rex". 38
c. The Kyrie. Regtnntnrgtnant. 51
d. The Sanctus. Rex regant, Donttnas domtnanttnnt. The Earthly and Heavenly Liturgy 62
e. Thelntroit. „iVaDupotestusnlstuDeo". 74
f. Thelntroit. Salnatormandt. 90
g. The Introit. „RaRe Maneta Parent, entxa paetpera Regem".102
Appendix .114
Chapter 3. The Heavenly Ruler and the Earthly Rulers as the Subjects of the Illuminations in
the Gradual of King Jan Olbracht .115
Appendix: The Iconographic Programme of the Gradual of Jan Olbracht..126
Part 2. The Pontifical of Erazm Ciołek. Regnant temporal.129
Chapter 1. Ordo eoronandt regt's Rolontae. The Text.131
Chapter 2. Ordo eoronandt regts Rolontae. The Miniatures
a. „Te Ream /aadama.s". The Enthronement of the King.134
b. „Hcctpe eoronam Regnt". The Coronation of the King.160
c. „In eoronattone regt.s henedtetto". The Blessing of the King.167
d. „Regtnae eoronatto". The Coronation of the Queen.167
Chapter 3. „De omagto Raetendo". The Ceremony of Homage.169
Chapter 4. King and Kingdom as the Subjects of the Miniatures in the Pontifical of Erazm Ciołek 177
Notes to Part 2.M2
List of Illustrations.207
Summary. 213
List of Illustrations (in English).233
Illustrations. 239
