Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Miodońska, Barbara; Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Editor]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie: Rex regum i rex Poloniae w dekoracji malarskiej Graduału Jana Olbrachta i Pontyfikału Erazma Ciołka: z zagadnień ikonografii władzy królewskiej w sztuce polskiej wieku XVI — Kraków, 12, Suppl..1979

DOI article:
Miodońska, Barbara: Rex regum i rex Poloniae w dekoracji malarskiej Graduału Jana Olbrachta i Pontyfikału Erazma Ciołka: z zagadnień ikonografii władzy królewskiej w sztuce polskiej wieku XVI
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suit of the direct military and diplomatic contacts of Poland and Lithuania with the
Tartar world. Erazm Ciołek, as the king's secretary and ambassador negotiating fi-
nancial help from the Papacy for organizing the defence of the Jagiellonian State
against the devastating raid of the Tartar hordes was in daily contact with these
affairs (ills. 154-156).
The miniatures in Ciołek's Pontifical are an important complement to the text
of the "royal" ceremonies and an iconographic group unique c. 1500, not only in Po-
lish art. They are distinguished by a considerable degree of originality, and give
evidence of the well-developed ideological and political awareness of the creator of the
programme of iconographic decoration of the Pontifical — probably Ciołek, who
commissioned it. The subjects of the miniatures have been chosen and carried out in
such a manner as not only to illustrate the most important factors in the coronation
and homage ceremonies, but also to demonstrate with the utmost clarity the ideolo-
gical bases of regal power. The use of the Pontifical was certainly intended to maintain
the consciousness of these bases among the high clergy, from whom the State offi-
cials and dignitaries were often recruited. These miniatures do not record any definite
historical events, but are generalized formulae appropriate to any coronation of a Po-
.23,2 lish king and to any ceremony of homage by a vassal, although they hand down
a wealth of historical facts and details confirmed by written sources, and sometimes
complement these sources by details not described in words.

translated by Claire GRECE-DĄBROWSKA