Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Miodońska, Barbara; Muzeum Narodowe <Krakau> [Hrsg.]
Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie: Rex regum i rex Poloniae w dekoracji malarskiej Graduału Jana Olbrachta i Pontyfikału Erazma Ciołka: z zagadnień ikonografii władzy królewskiej w sztuce polskiej wieku XVI — Kraków, 12, Suppl..1979

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British Museum, Add. 15281, fol. 64^
(after Kopera).
86. Albrecht Diirer, Portrait of the Emperor
Maximilian I (detail), woodcut B. 154
(after Scherer).
87. Bernard Strigel, votive picture of Vladislas
II Jagelion, King of Bohemia and Hun-
gary, c. 1510. Budapest Museum of Fine
Arts (after the catalogue of the Maximilian
I Exhibition in Innsbruck).
Part 2
88. "7e Denm iaM<damHs". Enthronement of
the King, Pontifical of Erazm Ciołek,
Cracow, second decade of the sixteenth
century. Cracow National Museum, Czar-
toryski Library, MS. Czart. 1212, fol. 35^.
89. Royal Seal of Frederick III, King of Rome,
1442 (after ^tatg'otiA am OAerrAein).
90. Royal Seal of Ladislas II Jagiellon, King
of Bohemia and Hungary, 1471—1516
(after Swoboda).
91. "7e Ream JaadamMs". Enthronement of
the King (detail).
92. ".dcctpe coronam ViegTtt". Coronation of
the King, miniature.
93. ".dccipe coronam Degmi". Coronation of
the King, Pontifical of Erazm Ciołek,
fol. 36.
94. Blessing of the King, Pontifical of Erazm
Ciołek, fol. 27.
95. Coronation of the Queen, Pontifical of
Erazm Ciołek, fol. 52.
96. The King of Poland receives the homage
of his vassals. Pontifical of Erazm Ciołek,
fol. 53L
97. A bishop blessing the King-elect at the
doors of a church, Pontifical of Zbigniew
Oleśnicki, Cracow, c. 1430. Chapter Ar-
chives of Wawel Cathedral, no. 12 KP,
fol. 191.
98. A bishop blessing the King-elect at the
, doors of a church, Pontifical of Tomasz
Strzempiński, Cracow, 1455—1460. Chap-
ter Archives of Wawel Cathedral, no. 13
KP, fob 234.
99. A bishop blessing the King-elect, Ponti-
fical of Frederic Jagiellon, Cracow, 1493.
Chapter Archives of Wawel Cathedral,
no. 14 KP, fol. 174.
100. Bishop blessing the Queen, Pontifical of
Zbigniew Oleśnicki, fol. 198L
101. A scene in a church, miniature cut out of
a manuscript, Utrecht, c. 1435. Cam-
bridge, Fitzwilliam Museum (after Finke).
102. Boucicaut Master, Elevation of the Host,
Book of Hours, Paris, c. 1420. London,
British Museum, Add. 16997, fol. 145
(after Meiss).
103. Celebration of Mass, Jean Mansel, La
j2ear <fes Aistotres, Northern France,
1455—1460. Brussels, Bibliotheque Ro-

yale Albert I, MS. 9231—32 (after Daven-
104. Geertgen tot Sint Jans, The Virgin's Fa-
mily in Church, 1485—1490. Amsterdam,
Rijksmuseum (after Panofsky).
105. Charles V, King of France, attended by
a sergreant-at-mace, initial from a diploma
of 1364. Paris, Archives nationales, A. E.
' 11383, J. 154, no. 5 (after the catalogue
of the exhibition La L&rairie <Je Char-
les E).
106. Coronation of Henry IV, King of England,
Jean Froissart, CAromqMes, France, mid-
-fifteenth century. London, British Mu-
seum (after Lord Twining).
107. Boucicaut Master, Salmon giving his
book to Charles VI of France; P. Salmon:
Deponses a CAaries E/ et Lamentation
aa rot snr son etat, 1409. Paris, Bibl. nat.,
MS. fr. 23 279, fol. 53 (after Meiss).
108. Salomon's Throne, Alba Bible, Castille,
1422—1430, fol. 235. Madrid, collection
of the Duke of Alba (after Nordstrom).
109. The Way to Calvary (detail), Dominican
Triptych, Cracow, after 1460. Cracow Na-
tional Museum.
110. Lcce Aomo, Dominican triptych, after 1460.
Cracow National Museum.
111. Woodcut on the title-page of the CArontea
Poiottoram of Maciej of Miechów, print
of H. Wietor, Cracow 1519.
112 a and b. Figures of knights, detail of a picture
of St. Stanislas with the donors. Cracow,
Franciscan Convent, cloisters.
113. Master E. S., Augustus and the Tiburtine
Sibyl, engraving, L. 191, c. 1466 (after
114. Bertold Furtmayr, The Dispensation of
Holy Communion, Missal of Archbishop
Bernhard von Rohr, Regensburg, 1481.
Munich, Staatsbibliothek, Cod. lat. 15709,
fol. 62v (after EncAaristia. DentscAe En-
cAarisżiscAe Enast).
115. Salomon Kleiner, the łEappentAarm in
Innsbruck, engraving in a print of Mar-
quard Hergott, Afonnmenta Hag'. Domas
.dastriacae. Vienna 1750, Plate XV.
116. Salomon Kleiner, Das CoMene DacAI in
Innsbruck, engraving in a print of Mar-
quard Hergott, Afonnmenta .4Mgr. Domns
.dastriacae, Plate XIV.
117. Das CoMene DacAi in Innsbruck, part
of the hrst-Hoor parapet, bas-relief by
G. Turing, after 1508 (after Garber).
118. Das CoMene DacAl in Innsbruck, part
of the faęade with polychrome by Jorg
Kolderer and carvings by Turing, 1500
and after 1508.
119. Wolfgang Frolich of Olomouc, Lewis Ja-
giellon King of Bohemia and Hungary,
as Lawgiver, miniature, 1523, in the L:Aer