Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Schliemann, Heinrich
Troy and its remains: a narrative of researches and discoveries made on the site of Illium, and in the Trojan Plain — London, 1875

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WO^K at HlSSftT^IK in 1872.


New assistants for 1872 — Cost of the excavations — Digging of the great
platform on the North — Venomous snakes — A supporting buttress
on the North side of the hill — Objects discovered : little idols of
fine marble—Whorls engraved with the swastika gts and r-H —
Significance of these emblems in the old Aryan religion — Their
occurrence among other Aryan nations — Mentioned in old Indian
literature — Illustrative quotation from Emile Burnouf.

On the Hill of Hissarlik, April 5th, 1872.

My last report was dated November 24th, 1871. On
the first of this month, at 6 o'clock on the morning of
a glorious day, accompanied by my wife, I resumed the
excavations with 100 Greek workmen from the neigh-
bouring villages of Renko'i, Kalifatli, and Yenishehr. Mr.
John Latham, of Folkestone, the director of the railway
from the Piraeus to Athens, who by his excellent manage-
ment brings the shareholders an annual dividend of 30 per
cent., had the kindness to give me two of his best workmen,
Theodorus Makrys of Mitylene, and Spiridion Demetrios
of Athens, as foremen. To each of them I pay 150 fr.
(6/.) per month, while the daily wages of the other men
are but 1 fr. 80 cent. Nikolaos Zaphyros, of Renko'i, gets
6 fr., as formerly; he is of great use to me on account
of his local knowledge, and serves me at once as cashier,
attendant, and cook. Mr. Piat, who has undertaken the
construction of the railroad from the Piraeus to Lanira,
has also had the kindness to let me have his engineer,
Adolphe Laurent, for a month, whom I shall have to pay
500 fr. (20/.), and his travelling expenses. But in addition