Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Schliemann, Heinrich
Troy and its remains: a narrative of researches and discoveries made on the site of Illium, and in the Trojan Plain — London, 1875

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Superstition of the Greeks about saints' days — Further engineering works
— Narrow escape of six men — Ancient building on the western
terrace — The ruins under this house — Old Trojan mode of build-
ing — Continued marks of higher civilization —Terra-cottas engraved
with Aryan symbols : antelopes, a man in the attitude of prayer,
flaming altars, hares — The symbol of the moon — Solar emblems and
rotating wheels — Remarks on former supposed inscriptions—Stone
moulds for casting weapons and implements — Absence of cellars,
and use of colossal jars in their stead — The quarry used for the
Trojan buildings — " Un Medecin malgre- lui." — Blood-letting
priest-doctors — Efficacy of sea-baths — Ingratitude of the peasants
cured — Increasing heat.

On the Hill of Hissarlik, May 23rd, 1872.

Since my report of the nth instant there have again been,
including to-day, three great and two lesser Greek church
festivals, so that out of these twelve days I have in reality
only had seven days of work. Poor as the people are, and
gladly as they would like to work, it is impossible to
persuade them to do so on feast days, even if it be the day
of some most unimportant saint. Mas Sepvei. 6 aytos (" the
saint will strike us ") is ever their reply, when I try to
persuade the poor creatures to set their superstition aside
for higher wages.

In order to hasten the works, I have now had terraces
made at from 16 to 19 feet above the great platform on
•ts east and west ends; and I have also had two walls made
01 large blocks of stone—the intermediate spaces being
hlled with earth-—for the purpose of removing the dibris.
The smaller wall did not seem to me to be strong enough,
and I kept the workmen from it; in fact, it did not

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