Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Arthur H. [Hrsg.]; British Museum <London> / Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Band 3) — London, 1904

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shoulders. On the head is a small modius, on which are
myrtle sprigs.— Towneley Coll.

Green basalt. Height, 1 foot J inch. The
left shoulder with drapery has been split
away and restored in plaster. The
surface of the face has been worked
over. The head was bought by Sir
Robert Ainslie when Ambassador at
Constantinople. Ellis, Tov:n. Gall., I.,
p. 311 (= Vaux, Handbook, p. 189);
Grosco-Boman Guide, L, No. 100.

1527. Bust of Zeus Sarapis. The hair rises
slightly above the middle of the fore-
head, and falls thence in tresses to each
shoulder. Late Graeco-Roman work.

Parian marble. Height, 1 foot 1J inches.

Restored : nose, modius, bust and parts Fig. 2. No. 1526.
of the hair and beard. From the col-
lection of Sir William Hamilton. Ellis, Town. Gall., I., p. 311
(= Vaux, Handbook, p. 189); Grxco-Roman Guide, I., No. 101 ;
Mansell, No. 1288; Collignon, II., p. 309, fig. 158.

1528. Bust of Zeus Sarapis. The long curls of the hair and
beard are freely undercut. On the crown of the head is a
socket for the modius. The bust, which is antique, rests
on a small floral support (compare No. 1874). The
shoulders are draped, and the left shoulder is posed as if
the arm was extended horizontally.—Presented hy Dr.
Mer yon, 1818.

Alabaster. Height, 11 inches. Grozco-Roman Guide, I., No. 102.

1529. Head of Zeus Sarapis (?). Bearded head, probably of
Sarapis. The hair rises somewhat in the middle and falls
in masses over each temple. It is confined with a broad
taenia, and falls over the back of the neck. A smooth
surface on the top may have been the base of a modius.