Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 1) — London, 1807

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been already remarked, that the hieroglyphics of
Cleopatra s needle were corroded on the face ex-
posed to that point of the compass. It is most pro-
bably the effect of the v. ind blowing from the sea.
Some have pretended, that on the opposite face,
that to the west, a Greek inscription was discernible,
when the sun bore upon it : but with all the at-
tention I could employ, it was not in my power to
perceive any thing of it.

The ground on which the pillar is raised having
given way, part of the pivot which supports it has
been laid open. It is a bloc k of six feet only in
the square : it bears the weight, as a centre, of a
pedestal much larger than itself; which proves the
exact perpendicularity of the whole. It too is gra-
nite, but of a species different from that of the co-
lumn. The people of the country had built round
the pivot, in the view of strengthening the pedestal.
This piece of masonry, totally useless, was formed
of stones of various qualities, among which frag-
ments ol marble, detached from the ruins of some
antique edifice, and sculptured with beautiful hie-
roglyphics, attracted notice. While some were
exerting themselves to prevent the falling of the
monument, others, the Bedouins, as I was told, en-
deavoured to bring it down, in the hope of finding
treasure under its base when burst to pieces. For
this purpose they had employed the action of gun-
powder ;