Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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travels ix upper


Natural history of the jerho of Egypt, with remarks
on natural history in generdl, and a note respecfmg
a plan of travelling into the inttrior of Africa.

What the reader is now going to peruse has
been already published, a great part of it at least,
in the Journal of Physics of the month of Novem -
ber 1789. I at that time determined to lay before
the public my observations on the jerbo, because
Buffbn, not having been able to procure a single
individual of this genus of quadrupeds, nor accu-
rate information respecting their manner of life,
has described it from very defective information.
The work of Mr. Bruce, who has preceded me in
the publication of his travels, as he had likewise
preceded me in the expedition itself, had not yet
appeared at the period when my memoir was
printed. That illustrious traveller has confirmed
what I had said on the subject of the jerbo, and he
has enabled me to rectify a mistake in nomencla-
ture into which I was led, and BufTbn before me,
on the authority of one of his compatriots, Dr.
Shaw, by a false application of name. But how-
ever interesting the notes respecting the jerbo may
be, which are introduced into Mr. Bruce's travels,
