Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 1) — London, 1807

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cat *, which is not much better ; the palamides, a
species of small tunny-f~; the pointed fish which
they call the eel%, and the mullet^, which you
see frisking about in calm weather, in shoals innu-
merable, on the surface of the water. They like-
wise catch there that fish which on the tables of
the Romans occupied a distinguished place, and
to which they gave the name of wolf, from its vo-
raciousness ||. The seamen of Provence call it
carousse. I have had a drawing made of one of
those fishes, which was two feet and a half long.
(See plate III.) Its head was bluish ; it had red
spots on the opercles of the gills, and the body of
a blue blackish, and shaded with gray; these tints
were deep above the lateral line, and clearer un-
der it, with a yellowish mixture. Finally, what
is more interesting to the lovers of good cheer,
you may eat excellent roaches there <f[.

* Squalus dorso vario ; pinnis ventralibus coxcretis, Arted. Gen,
44. —Squalus catulus. Lin.

f Scomber felamis, pinnulis inferioribus septem; corpore lineis
utrinque quatuor nigris. Arted. Gen. 2j.—Scomlcr pelamis. Lin.

% Esox rostra cus/iidalo, gracili, subteriti, spithamali, Arted.
Gen. 10.— Esox belone. Lin.

§ Trigla capite glabra lineis utrinque quatuor luteis longitudina-
libus parallelis. Arted. Gen. 171.—Mullus surmuletus. Lin.

|| Pcrca labrax, pinnis dorsalibus distir.ctis, secundte radii qua~
tuordecim. Arted. Gen. Pise. 30.—Perca labrax. Lin.

Trigla capite glabra, cirris gtminis in maxilla inferiori. Arted,
Gen. 171.—Mullus barbatus. Lin.

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