Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of falcon ; and I killed, near a little pool of water,
two young woodcocks, vulgarly called ibhjte-taus.
and by the Provencals bechots '*. The male and
the female were together.

On continuing our route towards the sea, the
grounds which the Nile had overspread, were slip-
pery, miry, and intersected with ditches. Our
beasts fell down, sinking into the sloughs, and
frequently leaving us in the water or in the mud.
No one of us was exempted from such accidents as
these, nor from the mutual pleasantries which we
passed upon each other. At length we arrived near
that narrow and formidable pass of the bar which
encloses the Nile. The sea, agitated from the
main, broke against it with fury, and there lifted
up its perturbed waves, mingled with foam and
sand. We saw at this spot the tops of the masts of
two germes which had been cast away some days
before, and upon the coast, sailors employed in
bearing away the dead bodies of some of their com-
rades which the sea had thrown upon the shore.

The coast is low, and entirely formed of sand ;
it was covered with a number of water-birds, such
as goelands, sea-larks, herons'}-, &c. &c. These

* Becasseau. Buffon, Hist. Nat. des Ois. et pi. enlum. No.
643.—Tr'mga ochrojius. Lin.

f Heron commun. Buffon, Hibt. Nat. des Ois. et pi. enlum.
N°- /8/.—Ardea citierca. Lin.
