Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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last were singularly wild ; it was impossible (o get
near them.

The next day I went about half a league to the
south of Rossetta, to see a tower which has been
called that of Cdnopus, from the mistaken supposi-
tion, that the city of Rossetta occupied the place
of ancient Canopus. This tower has been built
in modern times, on a little hill of sand, which,
at this part, forms the western shore of the Nile.
It is square; it has been half demolished, and
what remains announces an approaching ruin.
In the under part, the inhabitants of this canton
shewed an opening into a subterranean cave,
which, according to them, led to Alexandria.

On the top of the tower, the view extends itself
all around; it has no other bounds but those which
nature has set. Immense plains develope them-
selves to the sight; but how diversified are the pic-
tures which it is permitted to wander over! how
majestic are they ! and on what other spot could
we behold an assemblage similar to this ! In these
scenes so variegated, the most magnificent as well
as the most terrible decorations of nature pass
successively before the eyes. To the east, coolness
and fertility display their treasures over the beau-
tiful carpet of the Delta; to the north, the sea,
source of wealth and of misfortune, rplls its waves,
