Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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day, on the terrace of the house in which I dwelt at
Cairo, without experiencing a very painful inflam-
mation in the eyes. The burning pain often con-
tinued for several days ; and I could not get rid
of it without the use of cooling lotions.

Among the causes of that blindness which i3
so common at Cairo and in all the large towns,
must be reckoned the frequent watering of the
streets and apartments. To temper the heat, a
great quantity of water is sprinkled over them se-
veral times in a day. The ground, for the streets
are not paved, being heated to a great degree,
sends up after these waterings nitrous and fiery
exhalations, which are offensive to the eyes.
After I was cured of the ophthalmia, with which
I had been attacked, my eyes remained very
weak, and I observed, that whenever the ground
was watered, or the gallery in which I was, I felt
pain in my eyes, and was blind for a few mo-
ments. This is a remark, that I believe had
never yet been made. There can be no doubt,
that water, sprinkled copiously and repeatedly on
a burning soil, which contains abundance of sa-
line particles, must send up acrid vapours, which
may be considered as one of the principal causes
of blindness,
