Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 2) — London, 1807

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and lower egypt.


Departure of Hussein—Cophtic monks—Their eon-
vent, chape/, church services, rites, food, dress,
and garden—Fulful heladi—Gypsum—Sal gem—
Other convents in the desert—River without vcater
—Bedouins—/// behaviour of the inonks—Fogs
and rain.

The day after our arrival at the monastery, Hus-
sein reminded me of what had passed the preced-
ing day, and the trouble he had found in extri-
cating me from the hands into which I had fallen.
He observed to me that he could not possibly ex-
pect the same success another time ; and finished
with declaring frankly, that it was no longer in
his power to be answerable for what might hap-
pen, as the Arabs of the desert would not fail to
kill him, if they met with us together again. lie
added, that for his own safety he should depart
immediately, and offered to conduct me back the
same way by which we had come, but I must
determine upon it instantly. My determination
was as prompt as he could wish. I had not un-
dertaken this journey to finish it so abruptly:
the dangers of which I was aware before I set
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