Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the river still continues north by west. On the
eastern bank, and a little below Terrana, are the
two contiguous villages, Zeie and Sansaft, tbc
fellahs of which have a similar reputation with
those of Terrana.

I was in haste to quit this inhospitable country,
and on the 2 2d, at three o'clock in the morning,
we committed ourselves once more to the current.
By six o'clock we had reached Bur-Edgiat, where
some remains of antiquity are to be seen. Here
the Nile takes a north-easterly direction. Half a
league from Bur-Edgiat is Dimitschi; and opposite
to it on the eastern bank of the river, is Tamale.
Near this last-mentioned village a canal conducts
the fertilizing waters of the river toward the south.

A short half league below Tamale, on the same
side, is Shcbshir; at an equal distance from this
place is Kafr Nadir ; and a quarter of a league far-
ther on is Nadir. Here is another canal, larger
than that of Tamale, the direction of which is
north-east. I saw a flock of gray sandpipers *,
some gulls, and several ducks. The same gale
from the north, which had retarded our voyage
the day before, rendered our passage still rough,

* Vanneau pluvier. Buffon, Hist. Nat. des Oiseaux, ct p!.
Cnlum. No. £54.— Tringa squatarola. Lin.

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