Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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I had now followed the Nile in its course,
through an extent, which its numerous windings
render upwards of sixty leagues. The river at this
time was confined within its channel to which it
had retired. Its banks were low, where they were
sandy; hut high and steep, where they were of
clayey earth. The latter occupied the greater
part of this space. They are composed of a blackish
clay, firm, solid, and separating in perpendicular
flakes, like calcareous stones. Its colour is the
same as that of the Egyptian pebbles externally.

A report had been spread at Rossetta, that we
were massacred by the Arabs. My return removed
the anxiety which this news had given my friends ;
and they were the more inclined to credit the re-
port, because Hussein had assured them that every
thing was to be apprehended for my safety, as he
had left me in a very dangerous situation. This
worthy Bedouin had been several days at Rossetta,
and was every instant repairing to the house inha-
bited by the French, to inquire whether there
were any news of me. Being quickly informed of
my arrival, he hastened to me, to fold mc in his
arms, and mingle his frank and hearty joy with the
congratulations of my countrymen.