Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 2) — London, 1807

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More recently, when Mourat Bey, driven for d
time from Cairo by Ismael, took refuge among the
Arabs in Upper Egypt, one of his Mamelucs, a
Kiaschef laden with years and covered with
wounds, retired to an estate he possessed at a dis-
tance from the city. To this Kiaschef the con-
queror dispatched one of his trusty servants, in
order to prevail on him to join his standard. The
messenger represented to him that at his age, and
badly cured of his wounds, he was incapable of
following his patron, with whom he could gain
nothing but poverty and misfortune ; while, if he
would return to Cairo and embrace the victorious
party, he should be rewarded with wealth and
dignities. In reply, this worthy man informed
the emissary of Ismael, that he thanked the bey
sincerely for his offers, but could not accept them,
because deriving all he possessed from Mourat his
master, fidelity to him was his duty, and he was
resolved to follow him to the grave. In fact, the
generous old man abandoned all his property to
the conqueror, only recommending to his hu-
manity his wife and children, requesting him not
to let them perish for want. He added, that if
the bey, from thirst of revenge or any other mo-
tive, should deprive persons so dear to him, and
whom he was obliged to leave, of the necessaries
of life, he confidently committed them to the pro-
tection of Providence, the guardian of the grate-