Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert
Travels in upper and lower Egypt (Band 2) — London, 1807

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nothing to protect or defend him from the conse-
quences of their displeasure, particularly as he was
come to Cairo to fetch away the French Consul
whom it was impossible to maintain there any
longer against the sudden caprices and enterprises
of these ferocious governors; and lastly, as if a
pompous and indiscreet step, from which France
could derive neither honour nor advantage, and
which cost a good round sum to no purpose what-
ever, would not have exposed to certain peril the
merchants, who remained helpless at Cairo, as well
as those Frenchmen who had the civility or curio-
sity to attend a vain and imprudent man.

I was one of those whom curiosity engaged in
this pompous affair, with which I had certainly no
reason to be pleased. The pacha had received no-
tice of it, and he had applied to the commanding
bey, to issue his orders for furnishing us with the
requisite horses and escort. His own household
was not sufficient to enable him to supply them
himself. The aga of the janisaries received orders
from the bey to make the proper preparations; and
it must be allowed, the task could not have been
executed with more magnificence. The horses we
rode were most superb; and the lustre of the gold
and silver, and richness of the embroidery, with
which all parts of their furniture shone, still height-
ened their beauty. Each horse was led by a groom,
