Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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breeds, and lavishing the minutest attentions upon
them, while they have not only been careless re-
specting the breed of their asses, but have degraded
it by almost total neglect and unmerited contempt.
Badly fed, still worse attended, oppressed by heavy
burdens, and ill-treated by blows, the ass of our
country is unquestionably a wretched slave. De-
graded as low as possible, he serves only the
meanest of men, for whom he performs every thing
his impaired condition will allow. His name is
become that of dulness and stupidity. Yet he is
docile, gentle, patient, and temperate to excess.
Did neither the horse nor the ox exist in our coun-
try, he would be held there in the highest estima-
tion. But this is not the only instance, where
modest and useful simplicity, placed by the side
of more brilliant and active qualities, has been re-
warded by ingratitude and excited derision.

How different this sorry and degraded animal
from the asses of Egypt and Arabia, which, as well
as the horses of those countries, are superior to any
in the universe ! Some are to be found there of
great height ; and these are most valued and
esteemed, occasionally selling at a higher price
than even horses themselves. Still, whatever be
their height, their head is well placed, their eyes
are brisk, and their body is plump. Tbey have
elegance in their attitudes, gracetulncss in their

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