Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the field of blood.



The Field of Blood.—A Traveller's Compliment.—Singular Cer-
emony.— A Ragged Rascal.—Ostentatious Humility.—Pride
must have a Fall.—An Ancient Relic.—Summary Legislation.

All that is interesting about Jerusalem may be
seen in a few days. My health compelled me to
remain there more than three weeks, during which
I made two excursions, one to the ancient city of
Joppa, and the other to the Dead Sea. As soon
as I could do so, however, I visited all the places,
to see which is the business of a pilgrim to the
holy city. The fourth morning after my arrival
1 went out at the Bethlehem Gate, and, crossing the
Valley of the sons of Hinmon, on the side of the
opposite mountain I came to the Aceldama, or
field of bloody the field bought with " the thirty
pieces of silver," which to this day remains a pub-
lic burying-place or potter's field. A large cham-
ber, excavated in the rock, is still the charnel-house
of the poor and unhonoured dead of Jerusalem.
The fabulous account is, that the earth of that field
will in forty-eight hours consume the flesh from
off the bones committed to it.

Leaving this resting-place of poverty and per-
haps of crime, I wandered among the tombs on the

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