Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studia Palmyreńskie — 8.1985

DOI article:
Meyza, Henryk: Remarks on the western acqueduct of Palmyra
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Henryk Meyza


The Acqueduct in the Valley of Tombs had drawn attention of the travellers
and the first excavators of Palmyra. The earliest clear notice about this water line
was made by Addison in 1838 x, but only in the early twentieth century Wiegand
prepared a plan of its course* 1 2. Several other authors, e.g. Gerkan, had drawn its
line3 but the most sketchy of these plans — i.e. Starcky’s in his Guide4 is surprisingly
the best one. A new interest in this channel arose when Michałowski during 1963
campaign had opened the trial trench northeast of ’Allat Temple5. Several reused
drums of a stone pipe were found. Two years later a part of the acqueduct under
the „Tempie des Enseignes” came to light6. A chronological problem arose, which
may have some bearing on the date of Principia.

The part of channel’s course included in the foundations of this building seems
to be the result of construction common with the Temple. Such impression is formed
by its neat joints with the walls of the building and its course under it, taking both
slope necessities and mason’s ease into account. Nevertheless a question may be
asked — why the acqueduct passes under this building? Daszewski and Kołątaj
offered a suggestion that this should be explained by the will to control water supply
for the town7. This hypothesis does not seem to be very convincing, as Palmyra had
many other water sources8. Lack of remains that could be interpreted as storage
or water diverting facilities does not substantiate this idea as well. We may even
accept the view that there was no functional aim in directing the acqueduct course

* I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to M. Gawlikowski, who encouraged me to
study the acqueduct during the 1976 campaign of the Polish mission in Palmyra.

1 Ch. G. Addison, Damascus to Palmyra, London 1838, p. 312.

2 Th. Wiegand et ah, Palmyra, Berlin 1932.

3 A. von Gerkan, Die Stadtmauer von Palmyra, „Berytus” II, 1935, fig. 1.

4 J. Starcky, Palmyre, Guide archeologique, Beyrouth 1941, plan.

5 K. Michałowski, Palmyre, Fouilles Polonaises, 1963 - 1964, Warszawa 1966, p. 29 - 33.

6 K. Michałowski, Rapport preliminaire de la septieme campagne de fouilles polonaises
a. Palmyre en 1965, AAAS 17, 1967, p. 12.

7 W- A. Daszewski, W. Kołątaj, Wstępny raport z wykopalisk Polskiej Misji Archeolo-
gicznej w Palmyrze w 1968 r., „Studia Palmyreńskie” IV, 1970, p. 77.

8 D. P. Crouch, The Water System of Palmyra, „Studia Palmyreńskie” VII, 1975, p. 153 -
158. Strong sulphurous content of most obtainable water renders it less usable for drinking.
