Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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72 Anna Witecka - Catalogue of Jewellery found in the Tower-tomb of Atenatan at Palmyra

of them must have been sealed off by funerary stelae. Unfortunately, the tomb was plundered many times
(starting in antiquity), seriously disturbing the stratigraphy of the finds. The loculi were opened and their
contents were thrown into the chambers, where most of our collection was found among disturbed
remains of numerous burials. Evidently our specimens must have escaped the robbers’ notice or were
lost by them.

The third floor is especially interesting because of the fmd of an originally sealed, untouched loculus.
It yielded a very early burial of a young man, which contained no provisions for the after-life except for
a wooden stick. Under the covering of stone slabs a Hellenistic unguentarium was found. The loculus,
close above the floor, was only plastered over and did not have any funerary stele so it must have escaped
the robbers’ notice. Above the entrance to the chamber an inscription with the names of the founders of
the tomb is visible. Presumably the chamber is the earliest occupied part of the tower.

The second place in the tomb the use of which can be dated with considerable certainly (on the basis
of finds) is the ground floor. Except for our specimens there were found: a coin of Domitian 3, a funerary
stele (first half of 2 nd cent. A.D., see Annex) and two lamps 4 dated to the beginning of 2 nd cent.
A.D.(cf. Fellmann 1975: Abb. 1/11, 2/2) .

The use of other parts of the tomb is impossible to date more precisely than l st to 3 rd cent. A.D.

The catalogue is arranged in the following order: first, earrings, fmger ring, and bracelet, then the
gem and finally beads.

1. Earring in the shape of a bunch of grapes

PIs.II/1, III/l

Inv. no:







H. 27 mm, W. 16. mm
Silver and pearls.

Solid cast rings and thin round wires.

Metal corroded, some pearls missing.

Northern part of the tomb, context of the late l st cent. to early 2 nd cent. A.D., together
with the earring with pendants, finger ring and other finds mentioned above.

The earring is composed of a hoop with a bunch of pearls attached vertically to its lower part. The hoop
is round and tapers toward the top. It had a clasp of uncertain form.

The bunch is formed of three horizontal rings with pearls fastened to them also horizontally by means
of short wires on which they are threaded. These rings are placed on a vertical core which is soldered
fast to the bottom of the hoop. Fourteen small pearls, white and irregular in shape, have been preserved.

3 Inv. no. 24/92

4 Inv. nos. 5/92, 6/92