Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 7.1896

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Van de Velde, M. Mantelpiece..............179

Voysey, C. F. A. Designs .... 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219

Watson, R.E., C. J. Etching.....'..........165

Wilson, Edgar. Metal Work Design ............. 225


Series A.—Designs for Industrial Purposes.

(XXXIII.) Design for Lace Border...... . ....... 55

(XXXIV.) „ „ White Damask Table Cloth . ....... 120

(XXXV.) ,, ,, Catalogue Cover ............. 192

(XXXVI.) ,, ,, Damask Table Linen . . . . . ' . . . . . . 250

Series B.—Drawings for Reproduction.

(XXVI.) Design for a Concert Programme ............ 57

(XXVII.) ,, of Pretty Girl's Head, or Draped Figure of a Girl . . . . • • 57

(XXVIII.) Illustration of a Fairy Tale.......... . . . .120

(XXIX.) Design for a Poster.............. . .192

(XXX.) ,, in Black and White. Subject: "Spring"...... 250

Series C.—Designs for Amateurs' Work.

(XXV.) Design for Blotting-Pad Case in Leather Work.......... 58

(XXVI.) ,, ,, Candlestick in Bent Iron ........... 122

(XXVII) ,, ,, Door Knocker............. . . 192

(XXVIII.) ,, ,, Embroidered Cushion Cover........... 250

Series D.—Photographs from Nature:

(XVIII.) Portrait Study of a Child.............. 58

(XIX.) A Winter Scene...........' . . ... 122

(XX.) Portrait Study of a Dog............ . . 192

(XXI.) A Street Scene.......', ■ . . . . . . . .251

Books Reviewed—

Art Student's Manual, The. T.Hale-Sanders...........191

Beam, The. A bi-monthly Magazine published by some Art Students. One Illustration . . .191
•Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson. (London : John Lane) ........ iSS

Etching, Dry point, Mezzotint, the whole Art of the Painter Etcher. Hugh Paton .... 191

Legends from River and Mountain. Carmen Sylva (H.M. Queen of Roumania) and Alma SlreUell.

One Illustration................54

Letters from Sir Charles Crandison. Richardson. Illustrated by Chas. Hammond .... 249

Lord John Russell. Stuart J. Reid. One Illustration........ . 1S9

Maitres de VAffiche, Les. (Paris: Chai, 1S95-6) . . • . . . . . . . . 249

Manual of Clay Modelling, A. Mary L. H. Unwin..........190

Marsh Leaves. P. H. Emerson. Two Illustrations......... -54

Midsummer's Night's Dream, A. Illustrated by R. Aiming Bell. One Illustration .... 54

My Lady Nicotine. J. M. Barrie........... . .191

Nema, and other Stories. Hedley Peek............249

Nursery Songs and Rhymes of England. (London: David Nutt) ....... 249

Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris . . . . . ■ . . 190

Scenes from the Chiushingura and the Story of the Forty-seven ROnins. James Murdoch, M. A. . . 54

Studies in Both Arts. John Ruskin, D.C.L., LL.D. One Illustration......54

Studies in Plant Form and Design. A. E. V. Lilley and W. Midgley . . . . . .190

The Gaits, Exterior, and Proportions of the Horse. Lieut.-Colonel E. Duhousset .... 190

The Illustration of Books. Joseph Pennell............190

The Pageant. (London: Henry & Co.)...........■ . 250

Venice and Lombardy. J. Craig Annan............249