Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 10.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 48 (March, 1897)
DOI Artikel:
Strachey, H.: Mrs. W. Chance's studies of cats
DOI Artikel:
White, Gleeson: Some recent book-plates, mostly pictorial
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Mrs. Chance s Studies of Cats

study of a cat by mrs. w. chance

damp grass by the edge of a pond, his back turned their fantastic dignity; and the pillars of a gateway
to the drawing-room window, from which a protest- are recognised as a fit pedestal on which to show
ing back view, like that shown in one of these draw- their beauty against a background of trees. John
ings, could be seen. It was he who suffered, but Bellini knew the love of cats for a pedestal, and the
at the same time the majesty of that ample back decorative effect to be got out of it; witness the
and splendid tail made me feel that an ill temper background of his picture in the Brera. Before

taking leave of the drawings it may not be amiss
to point out how fully they come up to the con-
ditions laid down at the beginning of this article,
namely, that representations of animals, especially
domestic animals, should be made without any
attempt to introduce human sentiment.

H. Stkachey.

study of a cat by mrs. w. chance

such as that had at least something grand about it
to be able to inspire such flowing lines and such a
harmony of grey fur and December fog.

The medium of a soft pencil as used in these
drawings seems to be just suited to the effect
desired, though it is difficult to reproduce by pro-
cess the delicacy of pencil as here used with the
minimum of line. The technique of the large
sitting-up cat is highly successful, the characteristic
lightness of the fluff in the ears, the soft short fur
of the head, the stiffness of the whiskers, and the study of a cat

brilliancy of the eyes, are all rendered in a most BY MRS- w- CHANCE

satisfactory way. Any one who knows the eternal

capriciousness and restlessness of cats will appre- ^—OME RECENT BOOK-PLATES
ciate the amount of patient study these drawings i MOSTLY PICTORIAL BY

rcPresent . . ^GLEESON WHITE.

One characteristic of the cat may be fitly noticed ■

in these columns. I refer to its apparent know- —' Ik the modern pictorial " ex libris " has

ledge of decorative effect. I have watched sue- not quite realised the hopes it awakened a year

cessive generations of cats inhabiting the garden of or two ago, when a few artists first turned their

an old house. They seem to consider the low wall attention to designing book-plates, it is, even

of the Elizabethan terrace made for the display of at its average level, not without interest. No