Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 10.1897

DOI issue:
No. 50 (May, 1897)
DOI article:
Mourey, Gabriel: Some French illustrated theatre programmes
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French Illustrated Programmes

clearness, have nevertheless the merit of corre- from every point of view, for they show how in

sponding exactly to the dramatic movement typified certain circles—fortunately of no great influence,

in these pieces. A wild sort of symbolism emerges numerically or otherwise—a great distortion of

from amidst these hazy pictures, these complicated thought and vision has come about in the short

lines and figures, which are often almost a complete period of ten years or so.

puzzle. Needless to say, I have taken no account of the

We are far enough away now from the primitive cafe-concert and circus bills, or even of those of the

grossness of the Theatre-Libre. It is reverie, not " official " theatres, in which it is simply a question

realism. The outer man is relegated for the time of vulgar pictures, without any attempt at art what-

to the background, and we are in an ideal existence. soever, bold and prospectus-like information being

MM. Bonnard, Vuillard, Maurice Denis, Ranson, all that is aimed at.

Roussel, Vallotton, and Toorop—to name but a few Moreover, I have only attempted to give a few of

—are the regular illustrators of the Theatre de the more significant examples of this kind of work.

l'CEuvre. Their aesthetic ideas naturally bring Numerous artists other than those whose names I

them into touch with this particular development of have mentioned, and whose designs are reproduced

dramatic art. Their tendencies are all towards a here, have of course tried their hand at programme

general vagueness, an imprecision of lines, corre- illustration; but their success or failure is of no

sponding to certain of the pieces represented on particular importance, as either way it marks no

these boards. Being called upon to design the particular stage in the historical progress I have

programmes for plays of this kind, these artists have attempted to trace.

simply rendered their symbolism, or, in other words, Yet, even among those artists whose efforts have

their general significance, more obscure than ever. seemed to me to be worthy of record, I doubt if

These programmes are certainly most characteristic there be any who has truly realised the ideal illus-


Paul Hnmelin............ MM

Louis Nattier.............

Madame V" Hnmelin........ M"

Marcello Nattier............

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