Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 15.1899

DOI Heft:
No. 68 (November 1898)
DOI Artikel:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: The work of F. W. Pomeroy
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F. W. Pomeroy

Dalou's training. In 1882 Mr. Pomeroy
took the silver medal for modelling from
the antique, with Mr. Bates second ; in

1883 the silver medal for the best model
from life, with Mr. Frampton second ; in

1884 the ^50 prize for the best set of
models executed in the school during the
year; and in 1885 the gold medal and the
travelling studentship. This, the most
coveted distinction open to students of
sculpture in the Academy Schools, is
offered every second year only. Mr. Bates
took it in 1883, before Mr. Pomeroy, Mr.
Frampton in 1887, and Mr. Goscombe
John in 1889.

When Mr. Pomeroy, in accordance with
the terms of his studentship, went abroad
in 1886, he first betook himself to Paris
and entered the studio of M. Mercie.
After a while he went, by the advice of
Lord Leighton, on a tour through the
chief cities of Italy, to examine the rich
store of art work which is to be found in
that country; and the influence that the
Pompeian and Neapolitan sculpture had
upon him was very apparent in the bronze
statuette of Giotto, which he contributed
to the 1888 Academy. In this same year
that saw the appearance of his Giotto he
was entrusted by Lord Leighton with the
responsible task of carving the marble
replica of the Athlete strangling a Python,
which worthily represents the late Presi-
dent in the Museum at Copenhagen.

Since 1888 there has been scarcely any
break in the succession of Mr. Pomeroy's
contributions to the Academy exhibitions.
In 1889 he showed a statuette, A Boy
Piping; in 1890 Dionysus, a bronze
statuette which is now in the Tate Gallery ;
a statue of A Nymph finding the Head of Orpheus
in 1891 ; Love the Conqueror in 1893 ; Undine in
1894 j and in the three following years Pensee, a
statuette, several busts, and The Nyi?iph of Loch Awe,
which was purchased by the Trustees of the
Chantrey Fund. The magnificently robust and
masculine statue, Perseus, which held the place of
honour at Burlington House this year, appropriately
rounds off the list.

This, however, is but a tithe of the work which
the artist has completed during the last ten years.
The excursions into decorative idealism which he
has shown at the Academy have been made in the
intervals of almost constant labour at sculpture of


another type. The Arts and Crafts Exhibitions
have not often failed to display proofs of his admir-
able inventiveness and technical discretion. In
1890 he carried out, in conjunction with Mr. H.
Wilson, the architect, a mantelpiece, which was one
of the first efforts in modelled and coloured plaster
that was seen in London ; and since that he has
collaborated with many other architects, with Sir
Arthur Blomfield, Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, Mr. J. D.
Sedding, Mr. E. W. Mountford, and others, pro-
ducing for them a very varied array of accessory
decorations in all kinds of materials. Perhaps the
chief achievements with which he is to be credited
in this branch of his practice are the carvings and