Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 15.1899

DOI issue:
No. 68 (November 1898)
DOI article:
Mourey, Gabriel: The illustration of music
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The Illustration of Music

lithograph) for L'lle heureuse, Espaiia, Franfoise les plates of the last century for the pianoforte pieces
Bas ileus, the False des Blondes, and Myrtille, for and songs by M. Leroux; together with the orna-
the Chanson des Joujoux, and for Bruneau's Mes- mental designs and the frontispieces adorningLe Cid,
sidor; the drawings by Besnard to illustrate Baude- Le Mage, Werther, Helle, &c. This already long
laire's poems, set to music by Gustave Charpentier ; list is of course quite incomplete without prominent
those of Jean Veber for Thais, those of Giraldon mention of the all-essential contributions by Wil-
for several sets of piano pieces; Carloz Schwabe's lette, Henri Riviere, Steinlen, and Georges Auriol.
design for Fe7-vaal, by D'Indy, Moreau-Nelaton's M. Paul Vidal's Pierrot Assassin, Wormser's Z'ii ;z-
beautiful and expressive lithographs for the Chemin fant Prodigue and L'Etoile, and M. Paul Delmet's
de Croix, by Alexandre Georges ; the reproductions two collections of Chansons and Nouvelles Chansons
of certain fragments from the Salle Dieulafoy, in have inspired that delightful artist Willette with
the Louvre, for Les Perses, by Xavier Leroux ; the some of his most charming fancies. This alert and
gaufred lithograph in colours by Alexandre Char- sprightly draughtsman expresses himself in these
pentier and Signac's drawing for Gabriel Fabre's pages, marked by a touch of delicate melancholy,
melodies; a series of reproductions of coloured with a freedom and a fancifulness calculated to

astonish those who are not
intimately acquainted with
his work. His illustrations
of Delmet's Le Vieux Men-
diant, La Ronde, and Le
Vieux Prunier (in Nouvelles

§i ® S ^<"~ /KliLtr.....Chamons)are senuine little

Henri Riviere occupies
the foremost place among
music illustrators. He has

- - ^ jjEs^v^^') — 0jlF*~r -J/ discovered a new aspect

^>1|HH|4Ui^-:,*5^5^^^^V<^(<!^^:^ " -*>/ -'"^ " ' of tmnSs m ms albums—

*"> X^^mT^^ H^S^ "^tSr^Mu V""' the Marche (* FEtoile,

—■v. — *^ "eT~ *^<&^f f / —> E Enfant Prodigue, Clair

~Y „^y^^^^j^^^^^^^^fYf1 ' de Lune, and Le Juif Er-

rant—the last of which has
just appeared — illustrated
with coloured lithographs,
admirably reproduced by
the firm of Verneau, and
representing" the ombres
chinoises scenes which made
the fortune of the " Chat
Noir." These are the work
of a true artist, and one of
the highest class, posses-
sing an impeccable tech-
nique, animated by a strong
and sincere sense of nature,,
and devoted to the deco-
rative interpretation of land-
1 scape.

Steinlen, in his two
albums, Chansons de
Femmes (see The Studio,
January, 1898), and Chan-
sons de Montmartre, both
music-cover by henri riviere published by Enoch & Co.
