Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 16.1899

DOI Heft:
No. 72 (March 1899)
DOI Artikel:
Mourey, Gabriel: The work of Gaston La Touche
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Gaston La Touche

THE WORK OF GASTON LA and delivering their judgments with prudence and

MOURFY " But," the cynic will exclaim, "we must surely

leave our successors some wrong to repair,, some

Truly, to all who without prejudice action to revive ! " And thus it is—by sophistries

follow the course of latter-day art, it is strange such as this—every day of our lives we witness

to note the workings—the influence, whether for some fresh triumph of Mediocrity, some new

good or ill, to works of art and to their creators success for the insincerity which has waxed fat and

—of what we are wont to term " distributive prospered since art became democratised. What

justice," although "injustice" would be nearer does it matter for the moment ! The Future lies

the mark. There is, indeed, no tribunal whose before us; and the Future, we sometimes say to

decisions are more fantastic, more incoherent, ourselves to stifle our conscience, will put things

more biased than that which rules in the world of right. We no longer even think of revolting

art; none which violates right with greater im- against the insolent pretensions, the foolish vanity,

punity. One leaves an Assize Court disgusted to the quackery of this or that so-called "artist,"

see how a mass of immaterial trivialities may in- but simply shrug our shoulders in silence. Fatal

fluence not only the feelings of the jurymen—that indifference, dangerous egoism, unpardonable

is to say, the public (whose ignorance is their only cowardice ! For the result has been to mislead

excuse), but also the minds of the Judges themselves the masses in that which has to do with art, to

—the critics, who might be supposed to have deaden the critical faculty, to debase public taste,

learnt to treat everything calmly and soberly, dis- to discourage true honest effort, and to lower the

regarding all personal preferences and influences, standard of Idealism.


gaston la touche in his studio

XVI. No. 72.—March, 1899.

from a photograph
