Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 23.1901

DOI Heft:
Nr. 99 (June 1901)
DOI Artikel:
Sparrow, Walter Shaw: On some water-colour pictures by Miss Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
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Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale

prejudice that operates to the disadvantage of the Altogether, the highest praise that can be given

true sisterhood of artists. Those who keep this to a sister of art is to say that her genius grows

prejudice alive seem to glory in the fact that in strength without losing its womanliness. This

women, as a rule, are far more positive, more can be said of very few women, but it is beyond

matter-of-fact than the great majority of men. question true in the case of Miss Fortescue-

They may have presences all of poetry, but their Brickdale. Her genius, happily, is as feminine

minds are usually all of prose. Imagination in its as that, say, of Elisabetta Sirani (1640-1665),

highest form, that of stamping il piu nelP uno, they a wonderful girl whom Owen Meredith tried in

have never as yet possessed. Their genius " may a poem to rescue from undeserved neglect. But

be compared more justly to the bee, that keeps Miss Fortescue-Brickdale, before she found her

industriously close to the earth, than to the skylark true self, did some work which did not hint

in a song-flight, that is 'near at once to the point of at the present character of her thought and

heaven and the point of home.'" To this genius the manner. One has in mind several pen-drawings

world owes many debts of gratitude, but it has never wherein she aimed at a kind of strength quite at

produced its own Phidias, nor a Donna Raphael, nor variance with her own personality. The senti-

a Mrs. Shakespeare, nor any sculptor, painter, poet, ment is forced, and the craft of line is not only

or musician who has taken rank with the most gifted, unrhytbmic, it is sometimes even rude and uncouth.

There are men so constituted that they can- The truth is that Miss Fortescue-Brickdale had just
not mention this fact without sneering.

plemental beauty, cleverness, or greatness, „ AN 0pp0rtunity » by e. fortescde-brickdale

will ever be a sure proof of inferiority. (By permission of Messrs. Dowdeswell)
