Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 25.1902

DOI issue:
No. 107 (February, 1902)
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Studio- Talk

"at play" by w. geffcken

as it were, that tender halo by which the beauty of
other days is glorified in eye and mind. Steppes
has wandered, in his summer travels, through the
Black Forest, the Vosges, and the other lower
mountain ranges of South Germany; the gentle
seriousness and sunny peace of those landscapes,
their steep hill-sides and pleasant meadows, their

stately trees and peaceful rivulets, are blended as
in a dream in these pictures, of which we give
two reproductions, remarkable for their typical
truth and pure sentiment. His colours (he now
paints exclusively in tempera) have the joyous
vigour of the Old German pictures, but they are
never glaring; on the contrary, they are distinctly
sober and discreet.

On a former occasion the readers of The Studio
had an opportunity of seeing a few drawings by
Angelo Jank, and, in discussing them, I mentioned,
among other draughtsmen, the name of Attilio
Sacchetti. This artist, still very young, is a real
virtuoso with the lead pencil. He is able to obtain by
this medium, which is little liked by German artists,
the most varied and astonishing effects. Although
he confines himself strictly to pure line work, com-
pletely avoiding all rubbing, subsequent introduc-
tion of lights, etc., he solves problems which it is
generally held can only be treated by painting. He
has drawn a whole series of nocturnal street studies,
which have been done by moonlight and artificial
light (electricity or gas), and in which are repro-
duced deep shadows, glaring patches of light and
twilight reflections with wonderful fidelity and
poetic feeling. But he does more than attempt