Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 26.1902

DOI issue:
No. 111 (June, 1902)
DOI article:
Thovez, Enrico: The first International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art at Turin
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Turin Exhibition

a girl's bedroom designed by baron krauss

carried out by w. feiilixger


HE FIRST INTERNATIONAL plished act, but had already won the victory over
EXHIBITION Qp MODERN ^e C0^ anC^ l^eless repetition of the academic

motives of a day gone by; they agreed that the
time had come for that modern style to receive the


BY DR. ENRICO THOVEZ. stamp of official recognition.

The Committee of organisation had to contend

It was in the winter of 1900 that a small with difficulties, alike moral and material, before

group of artists, architects, and art critics conceived their ideal could be realized. Their scheme was

the idea of holding an exhibition of modern treated as visionary, and they were accused of

decorative art at Turin. They agreed in thinking being traitors to the grand traditions which had

that the work done during the last ten years by been bequeathed to them by the decorative art of

artists of the various States of Europe and America, the past in every country, but above all in Italy,

inspired, no doubt, by the movement inaugurated and they were reproached for showing want of

in England some forty years ago in every branch respect to the great masters of the past, in excluding

of decorative and industrial art, was worthy of from their consideration work done in styles already

being collected under one roof and shown to the well known to all. The little band of organisers

public as a whole; they agreed that the time had had, however, the strength and constancy to

come for proving to outsiders the fact that the triumph over all opposition, and in the end they

evolution of a modern style so eagerly longed for, had the satisfaction of seeing all their bitterest

and pronounced by so many worthy souls to be enemies rally to their side, adopt the idea of the ex-

an impossibility, had not onlv become an accom- hibition, and aDDrove the programme drawn up for it.
