Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 26.1902

DOI issue:
No. 114 (September, 1902)
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Studio- Talk

study of fresco painting. The frescoes are now
completed, and were recently uncovered to
the public. They could not, being within the
church, have any direct bearing on the tomb of
the poet, and the artist has therefore illustrated
incidents in the life of the Saint to whom the
church is dedicated. I. M. A.


"FLORENCE. —The Annual Florentine
Exhibition of Pictures, although it con-
tained nothing of striking importance,
yet leaves on the mind an impression of
pleasure decidedly superior to that produced last
year. There is, of course, some very poor work,
including some ambitious and unsuccessful striv-
ing to present symbols artistically—notably in De
necklace designed by gertrud kleinhempel Pruraux's well-drawn Marriage of St. Francis with

the Lady Poverty; but the work on the whole is
principal achievements. The balancing of well- modest, sober, and freer than usual from the vice
chosen tints and a finely-selected general colour- of mere prettiness.

scheme is what she particularly directs her -

attention to. She has also designed
a good deal of furniture and some
jewellery. Occasionally some of it is
rather heavy but it is never trite, and
her fancy always produces new forms.
We also owe to Miss Gertrud Klein-
hempel a number of excellent poster '•^a^MB^-

designs—efforts in an art which, with jjf^pfaM "--SissilB

us at least, has fallen into decay with HM^t'/' . ;•';.-> ^flP^' K^SSr \ --jrrSSga!^

marvellous rapidity—and many devices HitIIg& . jJjHsj|*■H^t|^^^^kflBfl

for books, business cards, and the like.

pottery ware by elizabeth schmidt-pecht

KARLSRUHE.—Visitors to the
art exhibition here who are
lovers of pottery will turn
with interest to the admirable
examples of the work of Mrs. Elizabeth
Schmidt-Pecht which are now on view.
As regards colour, form, and craftsman-
ship, this clever designer's latest work
is excellent in all respects. D. M.

NAPLES.—Some little time
ago the Neapolitans deter-
mined to ornament with'
frescoes the little church of
S. Vitale, in which lies buried the
poet Giacomo Leopardi. The veteran
painter Domenico Morelli was applied
to for advice, and suggested that the
work should be entrusted to Prof.
Paolo Vetri, who had made a special pottery ware by Elizabeth schmidt-pecht
