Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI issue:
Nr. 121 (April 1903)
DOI article:
Scott, Mackay H. Baillie: "Yellowsands", a sea-side house
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Studio- Talk

its owner. The use of mottoes and maxims in of the rose and the lily the sea holly and the sea
connection with the decoration of a house is poppy will flourish, with other seaside flowers, in
necessarily then very much a personal matter, and our borders,
the reticence of the average Englishman, at any rate,
will suggest that they should be somewhat cryptic
and disposed in such decorative ways as not to be (From our own Correspondents.)

too readily deciphered by the casual observer. In V ONDON.— The Royal Society of Painter-
the house under consideration it is obvious that we ! Etchers has arranged for its annual exhi-

should be invited on the threshold to " come unto , bition a collection which deserves atten-

these yellow sands," and it would not be a difficult JL_> t;orlj more on account of its average merit

than because it presents many features of special

____ interest. There is little in it which can be called

great, but, on the other hand, the number of
good things is larger than usual, and there is
certainly no lack of variety. The landscapes
and studies of open-air subjects are the more
numerous, but there is some sound figure work
as well which deserves to be noticed. To this
latter class belongs the Triojnphe de la Mort—
Les Bouches Inutiles, by Professor Legros, a com-
position which, like all his imaginative designs, is
full of strange fancy and dignified in manner.
His other subject, UOuragan, is technically even
finer, but in subject it is less original. M. Helleu's
elegant portrait studies, M. Chahine's marvellously
characteristic theatrical portraits—of Mdme. Louise
yellowsands" : the bower m. h. baillie scott France and M. Le 'rand—and Mr. R. W. Macbeth's


three pastorals are all of notable quality. The
best among the landscapes are Miss M. A. Sloan's
matter to supply appropriate quotations for the delicately handled Old Bridge, Miss C. M. Pott's
decoration of the various rooms. vigorous and decisive Grey Evening and An Old

In the sketches of the exterior of the house a Coach Road, Mr. C. J. Watson's Old Fen Mill and
birdseye view has been taken in order to give a The Shambles, York, Mr. Frank Short's delight-
better idea of the general scheme, and on the sea fully expressive April Day in Kent, Mr. Alfred
front the garden is ter-
raced down to the shore of
the bay, and here small
pavilions for boating and
bathing are introduced.

In the formation of the
garden, as in the decora-
tion of the house, the
shrubs and flowers will be
selected with special re-
ference to their position.
In developing in this way
an essentially seaside
garden we may find a
way of making a virtue of
the necessity imposed by
the sea and the salt air,
and so, instead of the
yew, the tamarisk will reign
m our hedges, and instead " yellowsands " : the study m. h. baillie scott, architect
