Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI issue:
No.129 (December, 1901)
DOI article:
A Glasgow designer: The furniture of Mr. George Logan
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George Logan

AGLASGOW DESIGNER: THE not the only legitimate adornment of a modern

FURNITURE OF MR. GEORGE house, and the result is a partial transference of

LOGAN. patronage from the picture painter, to whom
formerly it was given almost exclusively, to the

In our own country, whilst there is not yet to be decorator and designer, whose claims on people

observed any sure indication of the genesis of a with artistic tastes are gaining daily a wider and

living national art which can be pronounced more practical recognition. In every way this

without hesitation to be the exclusive and typical change is to be welcomed. It restores to its right

product of the age, yet signs are plentiful of an place a form of art which in bygone centuries was

awakening of public interest in the attempt to thought worthy to engage the attention of the great

make our houses beautiful with the subtle qualities masters, and to afford noble opportunities to men

of proportion, and the absence of mere ornament, of splendid ability. It opens up for the modern

that marked the best periods of design. Sanguine worker possibilities of profitable occupation, and

believers in the possibilities of the movement multiplies the number of openings for professional

hope that this may be the germ of the coming activity.

Revival, which those who study the evolution That even a few manufacturers have recognised
of taste agree is not far distant in point of a change in the public taste, and are doing what
time. But none can foresee whither this stirring they can to foster and encourage it by the employ-
tendency may lead ; whether, indeed, it be destined ment of good designers, is one of the most con-
to have any prolonged organic existence at all, or vincing evidences of vitality in the new movement,
whether it be doomed instead to perish in order to At present the number of firms who have set
make way for an art of the future that has yet to be themselves to satisfy the new condition is strictly
born. Certainly the improvement in public taste limited, but here and there we find evidences
and the growth of a demand which will oblige the of more correct appreciation, signs that the
workers to study more closely the laws of decoration position of affairs is read aright, and that its
cannot fail to improve the character of their art, necessities are properly and practically understood,
and to give it eventually a higher value and On the other hand, much of the furniture produced
significance. A steadily increasing section of the is merely imitative, or, if infused with a newer
public is beginning to recognise that pictorial art is feeling, too evidently manufactured of deliberate

