Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI issue:
No.129 (December, 1901)
DOI article:
Holland, Clive: Lady art student's life in Paris
DOI article:
Van der Veer, Lenore: Lewis Baumer's coloured chalk drawings
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Lewis Baumer

twenty-five francs per month; here also much in- W EWIS BAUMER'S COLOURED
formation may be obtained by students as to the CHALK DRAWINGS. BY LEO-

condition of study at the Sorbonne, the art schools NORE VAN DER VEER

and studios. The annual inscription fee, which
includes the use of dining and reading rooms, is London has long been familiar with the work of
ten francs ; and a good course of ten lessons in Lewis Baumer through his book and magazine illus-
French can be obtained for thirty francs. At the trations ; but a recent exhibition at the Montague
Villa des Dames, one can have a good room and Fordham Gallery showed this clever young artist
attendance with the usual meals for about forty in an entirely new and captivating light, and one
francs per week, whilst the charge at "Washington that is full of promise for the future. Mr. Baumer
House is from twenty-five to thirty francs per week has struck out into fresh fields, fresh not only
for similar accommodation. for himself, but for the great art-loving world as

A word of warning should be given to girl well, as the dainty reproductions accompanying
students intending to reside in Paris for art training this article will show. These drawings are quite
against the ordinary hotels of the Quarter. These unlike the work of any other modern artist. In
should be avoided unless vouched for by some truth, they seem little enough of the present day,
responsible person, or an intimate friend. Few but rather bear the impress of a past century, so deli-
of them are good, and the company that one meets cately reminiscent are they of old-world romance
at most of them is quite unsuitable for ladies. and poetry. And yet, as is often the case with

Few students remain in Paris the whole year the awakening of talent, the beginning came by
round, returning either to their homes in England chance—an odd moment given to a trifling sketch
or joining some sketching
class in the country, or
perhaps visiting some Nor-
man or Breton "painter's

As to the total cost of
a couple of years' art train-
ing in Paris, the fees as we
have shown, would amount
to from 500 francs (£20) ;
cost of painting materials,
etc., 125 francs (^5) : fur-
nished rooms, 750 francs
(£3°) ! attendance, 100
francs (^4); cost of living,
625 francs (£25). And to
this can be added at least
the sum of 250 francs G£io)
for incidentals. This
amounts to a total of 1,850
francs (^94) per annum.

Should, however, a lady
student choose to take up
her residence in a pension
or at an hotel, she will of
course have to deduct the
rent of room and cost of
living, and substitute for
these an expenditure of
ftom ^55 to ,£65 per
annum, according to the
room she occupies and the
class of residence. study in coloured chalks by lewis baumer
