Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 30.1904

DOI issue:
No. 130 (January, 1904)
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tainted fan

by mrs. murray robertson

with sound discrimination; they were the best subdued, but holding a wealth of exquisite tones

states of the various plates, and in their admirable that breathe of an ideal world in an ideal age,

condition they bore convincing testimony to the where the hard things of life and the severe notes

exceptional powers of Cousins as an interpreter of of commonplace existence never sound; and so

the paintings of some of our most famous artists. also in her composition and choice of subjects

- the artist shows an imagination at once ideal and

The exquisite art of painting fans is so capti- altogether beautiful. Her work is full of poetry

vatingly dainty,and essentially feminine, that it seems and delicate sentiment,
strange so few women succeed in this particular

branch of the fine arts. Mere brilliance of tech- We give an illustration on this page of a
nique and cleverness of execution count for naught casket designed by G. Halliday and executed by
here, unless they be accom-
panied by extreme refine-
ment of conception and
poetic ideality. In the
work of Mrs. N. Murray
Robertson, now being
shown at Mr. John Baillie's
Art Gallery, one sees re-
flected the graceful charm
and delicate tracery of Mr.
Conder, of whom Mrs.
Robertson was a pupil.

Her work is so refined,
and possesses a poetic
quality so delightful and
individual, that one over-
looks the sometimes faulty
drawing. She has a dis-
tinct sense for colour
and a fine appreciation
for the blending of de-

licate harmonies, always to h.m. the king of italy panel in enamels by alex. fisher


gold casket presented by the designed by g. halliday. executed

corporation of the city of London', by Messrs. elkington & co. with